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卷  Ⅱ



A. 用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空,每次限用一次。

provide,   health,   against,   success,   nine

61. The homeless children should be        with some food and clothes.

62. Our parents hope we can grow up very

63. Mary likes to walk to the        floor every day. It’s good for her health.

64. A        person always works hard and never gives up.

65. We do some sports every day        the cold.

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示写单词,每空一词。

Full Moon, Full Feelings

Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for

66    (百) of years. Mooncakes look    67    (像) a full moon on Mid-Autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and    68    (想念).

There are many traditional folk    69    (故事) about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching. Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink in with Chang’e.    70    (然而), a bad man, Feng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e    71

(拒绝)to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and    72    (飞) up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so    73    (明亮的) and round that he could see his wife there. He  74

(快) laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could come back!

After this, people started the tradition of    75    (分享) mooncakes and admiring the moon with their families.

六、任务型阅读 (每小题1 分,共5 分)

请阅读76-80 题有关人员的相关信息,然后根据他们的需要从A~E中找出与他们匹配的活动。

76. Amy has a daughter. She enjoys playing with her.

77. Mr. Green feels very tired. She plans to go on her holidays in a quiet place.

78. Lily, a 13-year-old girl, likes dancing best. She often dances with her friends.

79. Jackson likes doing sports. He is very good at swimming.

80. Mrs. Smith’s children have grown up. She wants to sell the old toys.

A. Trip to Flower Hill Village

We leave at 8:00 every Saturday morning. You can enjoy fresh air, country beauty and village food.

B. A Free Dance

This is a party for all students who love dancing. Please bring your Student Card with you June 28, Sunday.

C. Swimming Across the Beijiang River

This activity is held to let people know the importance of health. July 5th, Sunday.

D. Open Market.

People can sell or buy old things at low prices. Every Sunday morning in the City Square.

E. Running Competition for Kids and Parents.

A very good chance for people to enjoy family life with children. June 1st, Monday, on the playground of Garden Hotel.

