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第一部分  听力部分



1. What would Mary like?

A. Milk. B. Water.              C. Juice.

2. How many boys are there in the class?

A. 49. B. 25.                C. 24.

3. Where does the conversation probably happen?

A. In the shop. B. In the hospital.       C. In the classroom.

4. How does Lucy feel today?

A. Happy. B. Sad.                C. Worried.

5. Why didn’t the man go to the party?

A. Because he wasn’t invited.                      B. Because he forgot the time.

C. Because he had to take her daughter to hospital.



6. How will Tom spend Dragon Boat Festival?

A. Stay at home.                                 B. Go to see his grandparents.

C. Help his parents with the work.

7. When will Tom help Kate with her English?

A. Before the holiday.       B. During the holiday.    C. After the holiday.


8. How old is the girl now?

A. Five.                  B. Eleven.              C. Sixteen.

9. What day is today?

A. Friday.                 B. Saturday.            C. Sunday

10. What will the speakers do tomorrow?

A. Take photos.            B. Visit a museum.       C. Have a picnic.


An advertisement for   11

You only need to pay   12   for the Sony DVD player.

If you bring an old   13   while shopping for a new one, you can pay 50 dollars less.

All the special offers are only for   14   .

You will get the thing   15   if you buy a new one.

11. A. a shopping mall         B. a clothes store       C. an online store

12. A.$120                 B.$210              C.$550

13. A. computer            B. TV                 C. digital camera

14. A. today                 B. tomorrow           C. the day after tomorrow

15. A. in two hours           B. in two days          C. in two weeks

第二部分   笔试部分



16. In the United States, Father's Day falls on ________ third Sunday in ________ June.

A. the; /          B. the; a         C. /; the          D. a; /

17. It’s a good habit to turn off the unnecessary lights, it can help save        .

A. space          B. energy          C. time        D. food

18. — What can we learn from Lei Feng?

— We should not only think about          , we should think about others as well.

A. yourself        B. ourselves      C. themselves     D. yourselves

19. — It’s very kind           Betty to give us a hand.

— That’s true. We should thank her           helping us out.

A. for; for         B. of; for         C. for; of        D. of; of

20. — Would you like some coffee?

— No, thanks. I           drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.

A. usually         B. especially      C. hardly        D. suddenly

21. — What do you think of Mary’s dress?

— I think it still looks quite fashionable on her           it is a style of many years ago.

A. though         B. unless          C. until         D. because

22. — Are you pleased with the result of the football match?

— Sure. We have never had a            one.

A. good           B. better          C. bad          D. worse

23. — What’s up, Dave?

— The meeting is almost over, but Henry hasn’t            yet.

A. woken up        B. grown up      C. given up      D. turned up

24. —          is it from your school to the nearest park?

— About ten minutes’ walk.

A. How long        B. How soon      C. How far      D. How often

25. — Dad, may I go out with my friends?

— Unless your homework          .

A. has been finished   B. has finished     C. finishes       D. will finish

26. — Where is your sister, Dick? I need her help.

— Dad, she           in her room. Let me help you instead.

A. sleeps           B. is sleeping       C. slept         D. was sleeping

27. — Mr Li looks often looks tired and worried?

— So he does. You see it’s not easy to           such a big factory.

A. sell             B. win             C. get          D. run

28. — Dave is always making the same mistake. It worries me a lot.

— Take it easy.           , he is only a child.

A. First of all        B. All in all        C. In all        D. After all

29. — The light is still on in his room. Do you know          ?

— Maybe he has to study for a test.

A. if he works hard                     B. who he is studying with

C. what he is busy with                  D. when he will stop working

30. — We’ll study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school.

—         .

A. I’ll take your advice.                 B. The same to you.

C. Congratulations.                     D. Me too.

