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1. —What’s wrong with Jenny? —She’s not well, she has a __________ (发烧), 39.5 ℃.

2. —What’s your e-mail (地址)? –It’s cindyj@pep.com.cn.

3. —How did you get to school yesterday? —I (骑)my bicycle.

4. —What’s your hobby? —I like to _____________ (收集)shells.

5. Liu Ming is very tall, but Zhang Qiang is quite (矮).

6. —Excuse me, where’s the bank?

—Walk along this street and turn r . It’s next to the movie theater.

7. —Do you know my n friend? —I think I know him. He often smokes

8. Chen Yong always plays computer g . He doesn’t want to go to school.

9. France is a beautiful country. It’s f for its wine.

10. Alice made a living by h when she was young.


1. We (错过)the last bus. So we had to walk home.

2. Talking loudly in the library is i_____________(不礼貌).

3. —How often do you go to the movies? —I go to the movies ___________(一次) a month.

4. When is Sally’s birthday (聚会)?

5. She (成为)a basketball player in 2009.

6. Everyone goes to play soccer e Tom because he doesn’t like it.

7. Are you f next Sunday? Let’s go to the zoo.

8. It is n to learn a foreign language.

9. Lucy is thinner than Lily, but Lily is t than Lucy.

10. Science is one of my favorite s . What about yours?


1. Please keep ____________ (安静). I' m trying to study.

2. She didn’t go to bed (直到)her mother came back last night.

3. Take the medicine (两次)a day, then you’ll be better soon.

4. My father doesn’t let me (踢) football after lunch.

5. I received a gift yesterday. My grandma (寄) it to me from Nanning.

6. Our classroom is very d . Please clean it at once.

7. He borrowed my pen and didn’t return it l week.

8. Li Hua is one of the m of the school football club.

9. We should take an a part in protecting environment.

10. Get up early, go out for some f air and enjoy a healthy life.


1. What is your friend going to be when he (长大) up ?

2. They can’t go to a movie tonight, because they have lost their (票).

3. One hundred years is a (世纪) .

4. Last week we held a concert to (筹集)500,000 yuan for Hope Project.

5. She has two (孩子), a son and a daughter

6. Monkeys like to eat b .

7. We are strongly against dropping litter e .

8. He’s poor at spelling. He made a lot of spelling m in his writing.

9. Confidence is the k to success.

10. The nice dress was bought by my uncle as a birthday p .


1. Don’t forget to (锁)the doors when you leave the classroom.

2. Will you join us in the (讨论)about the teenage problems.

3. Make sure you put all the answers in your (试卷) before handing it in.

4. In the morning taking a walk is good for your (健康).

5. Broccoli and tomatoes are healthy (蔬菜).

6. Listening to tapes is h for you to improve your English.

7. Lana always gets n when she answers the teacher’s questions.

8. What do you want to be in the f ?

9. You’ve d so much wine. You mustn’t drive.

10. China has a long history of a 5,000 years.

