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1. We have music class (两次) a week.

2.Here is a (礼物) for you.

3.Thomas Edison had many (发明)in his life.

4. If you take more exercise, you will be much (健康) than before.

5.Are you sure it’s nothing (严重的)?

6.The children in China live h .

7. We must learn how to get on w with others.

8. I g up at haft past six last Sunday.

9. In Changsha it's very hot in summer and very cold in w .

10.Let’s work hard and try to b a great and strong country.


单词拼写(1)1.like 2.hungry 3.fine/sunny 4.tells 5English

6.busy 7.lucky 8.research 9.important 10.much

单词拼写(2) 1.better 2.solve 3.noodles 4.save 5. turning

6.country 7.easily 8.friendly 9.doctor 10.office

单词拼写(3) 1.point 2.empty 3.cold 4.noise 5.mistakes

6.waste 7.Safety 8.garden 9.deaf 10.refuse

单词拼写(4) 1. seen 2.shopping 3.first 4.lends 5.seasons

6.joke 7.pleasure 8.dangerous 9.catch 10.instead

单词拼写(5) 1.invented 2.thirsty 3.quickly/fast 4.pounds 5.September

6.enough 7.Whose 8.proud 9.stand 10.relaxed

单词拼写(6) 1.hospital 2.difficult 3.villagers 4.pass 5.careful

6.Friday 7.report 8.healthy 9.bring 10.friendship

单词拼写(7) 1.fever 2.address 3.rode 4.collect 5.short

6.right 7.new 8.games 9.famous 10.herself

单词拼写(8) 1.missed 2.impolite 3.once 4.party 5.became

6.except 7.free 8.necessary 9.taller 10.subjects

单词拼写(9)1.quiet 2.until 3.twice 4.play 5. sent/posted

6.dirty 7.last 8.members 9.active 10.fresh

单词拼写(10)1.grows 2.tickets 3.century 4.raise 5. children

6. bananas 7. everywhere 8. mistakes 9. key 10. present

单词拼写(11) 1.lock 2.discussion 3.paper 4.health 5.vegetables

6.helpful 7.nervous 8.future 9.drunk 10.about

单词拼写(12)1.cross 2.favorite 3. weather 4.match 5.happened

6.many 7.live 8.believe 9.sorry 10.made

单词拼写(13)1. music 2. deep 3. always 4. planted 5. honest

6. busiest 7. heavily 8. himself 9. getting 10. wrong

单词拼写(14)1. saying 2. popular 3 shares .4. better 5. bought

6. morning 7. never 8. keep 9. years 10. herself

单词拼写(15)1. cook 2.season 3. songs 4. polite 5. answer

6. luck 7. pity 8.saving 9. free 10.trouble

单词拼写(16) 1.yourself 2. without 3.inviting 4. helpful 5. succeed

6. class 7. wake 8. quiet 9.Pandas 10. true

单词拼写(17) 1.thousand 2. angrily 3.your 4.borrowed 5. feel

6. born 7. across 8. clean9. taught 10.about

单词拼写(18)1. twice2. present 3. inventions 4. healthier 5. serious

6. happily 7. well 8. got 9. winter 10. build





