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VII. 完型填空。

My friend, Robert, ____1____ in a butcher’s shop (商店). He helps the butcher to do some ____2____. He puts meat on the shelf every day. People come into the shop and buy the meat. But today there ____3____ any meat on the shelf. The butcher asks Robert ____4____ some meat onto the shelf.

Robert runs to get some pieces of meat. They are in ____5____ room and they are on the ____6____ shelf. Robert is tall, but he still can’t reach the meat. Robert thinks ____7____ a minute. He has a good idea. He takes two boxes and puts the one on the top of ____8____. Then he stands on ____9____. Now he can reach the pieces of meat ____10____.

1. ( )

A. works B. studies C. stays D. lives

2. ( )

A. homework B. house work C. light work D. heavy work

3. ( )

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

4. ( )

A. carry B. find C. to carry D. to find

5. ( )

A. the other B. another C. others D. one

6. ( )

A. tall B. tallest C. higher D. highest

7. ( )

A. after B. about C. for D. in

8. ( )

A. the other B. other C. anther D. others

9. ( )

A. it B. them C. they D. itself

10. ( )

A. easier B. more easily C. easily D. easy

VIII. 阅读理解


It’s late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed, and he’s looking at his clock. His neighbors are making a lot of noise, and Arthur is very angry.

The people in Apartment 2 are dancing. The man in Apartment 3 is cleaning his rug. The woman in Apartment 4 is playing the drums. The teenagers in Apartment 5 are listening to loud music. The dog in Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument.

It’s very late, and Arthur is tired and angry. What a terrible night!


1. Arthur’s neighbors are _________.

A. noisy B. angry C. quiet D. happy

2. The people in Apartment 5 are _________.

A. young B. old C. tall D. short

3. Arthur isn’t very _________.

A. angry B. happy C. tired D. noisy


Can you make a telephone call? Of course you can make it in Chinese. But the call in English is quite different from the one in Chinese. If you want to ask someone to answer the telephone, you can not say, “Please ask Mr. XX to answer the telephone.” Instead you must say, “May I speak to Mr. XX?” If you want to ask who is answering the telephone, you should say, “Who is that? Is that Mr. XX speaking?” instead of “Who are you?” If you want to tell the other one who you are, you should say, “This is XX(speaking).” Instead of “I’m”.


4. An English telephone call is _________ a Chinese one.

A. not the same as B. better than

C. the same as D. as good as

5. If you want to ask who is answering the call, you should say “_________?”

A. Who am I B. Who is he

C. Who are you D. Who is that

6. If you want to tell the other one you are in the telephone, you should say, “_________.”

A. This is XX. B. I’m XX.

C. That is XX. D. He is XX.

7. If you want to ask someone to answer the call, you should say, “_________”

A. Please tell Mr. XX to answer the telephone.

B. May I speak to Mr. XX?

C. I want to speak to Mr. XX.

D. Are you Mr. XX?

8. Which sentence is right according to this passage?

A. It tells the different call between in English and in Chinese.

B. We know how we call in English.

C. We don’t understand how we call in English.

D. It’s easy to call in English.





