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suggest doing sth 建议做做某事mind doing sth 介意做某事

17.go ~: go on to do sth.接着做某事(另一事)go straight along 沿着…一直往前走go up/down上升/下降 go for a walk/ride去散步/骑车go over复习 go shopping买东西go to the cinema去看电影 go well进展顺利go off to=leave for动身(出发)前往…go to work去上班 want a go 想试一试

18. ~ about: talk about谈论 worry about担心How / What about…? …怎么样? think about考虑(相关:think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over仔细考虑 think out想出)

19. ~ from: from door to door挨家挨户from time to time时时  from now on从今以后 from then on 从那以后be different from与…不同learn…from…向…学习borrow…from …从…借…(相关:lend…to…把…借给…)

20.get ~: get dressed穿衣 get into进入get/be lost丢失 get off/on下/上车get on well with sb.与某人相处得好get out of从…出来 get warm 变暧get ready for +n.为…做准备get ready to do sth.准备做某事get well康复 get a chance 有机会、得到机会get/go to sleep(fall asleep)入睡(相关:be asleep睡着)14年中考英语必备短语

21. look ~: look for 寻找 wait for等候look after=take care of照看look like看起来像 look the same看起来一样look over检查,复习 look through温习,检查look out小心,从里向外看 look up向上看,查(单词、电话号码等)look around环视 look forward to doing sth期望……

22. ~ off: set off出发、动身 put off推迟 turn off关take off脱(衣),(飞机)起飞 jump off跳离keep off避开、不靠近… drop off放下(某物)

23. half ~: half a kilo半千克 half an hour半小时in half分成两半one and a half hours=our hour and a half一小时半a year and a half(one and a half years)一年半

24. ~ exercise:do eye/morning exercises做眼保健/早操take (more) exercise(多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book练习本

25. ~ in: take part in参加 hand/turn in上交in hospital住院 in surprise吃惊地in the sun在阳光下(under the sun 天下,世界上;到底,究竟) in trouble处于困境in a minute/moment马上

26. ~ on: feed on以…为主食 live on继续活着base on以…为根据 carry on坚持、继续下去and so on等等on the other hand另一方面on foot步行

28.be ~介词:be famous for以..著名 be born出生be excited about +n./V-ing对…感到兴奋be interested in对…感兴趣be amazed at对..感到惊讶be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth.忙于…

29.move ~: move away移开 move to(搬)移到…

30.上网:search the Internet上网

31.make ~: make sure 确信 make a dialogue编对话make a mistake犯错误(by mistake由于疏忽)make a noise吵闹 make faces做鬼脸make friends (with)和..交朋友make room for给..让地方 make tea沏茶  make money赚钱 make a decision作出决定

32.used ~: used to do sth过去常常做某事be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be used for doing sth.用作be used to do sth被用作……be used as 被当做……使用

33. 丢三落四:leave sth+介词短语(in some place) 把…落在某处(此句型不能用forget)

34. ~ to do sth.: forget to do sth.忘记去做某事encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事,decide to do sth.决定做某事allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事

35.hear ~: hear sb. to do sth.=hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人(正在)做某事

36. ~ with sth.: help sb.(to)do sth.=help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事 with one’s help在某人的帮助下  with pleasure非常乐意

37. 值得…:be worth + money 值…钱be worth + doing sth. 值得做…

38. ~ into: step into走进 pour into倒入…

39. ~ first: for the first time第一次at first起初 a first language母语first of all首先

40. ~ message: leave a message for sb.给某人留条give/take sb. a message给某人捎口信

41. take ~: take photos/pictures 照像 take away拿走take out取出(work out算出) take care当心take medicine服药 take place发生take one’s temperature量体温take one’s time别着急 take a walk散步

42. learn ~:learn by oneself=teach oneself自学learn… by heart背熟

43. 国家:more developed countries发达国家less developed countries不发达国家developing countries发展中国家

44. have ~: have a try尝试,努力(try out尝试、试验)find out/about找出,查明 have no idea不知道have a good/wonderful/great time玩得开心have a (bad)cold(重)感冒have a meeting/walk/watch开会/散步/比赛  have sports进行体育活动have nothing/sth. to do with与..无(有)关have/take one’s medicine服药

45. 提供:offer sb sth.给某人提供某物provide sb with sth/provide sth for sb提供给某人某物

46. 获奖:win first prize获一等奖

47. 全世界:all over the world= around the world= throughout the world

48. 各种各样的:all kinds of 各种各样的different kinds of不同种类的 a kind of 一种kind of 有点

49. 既不…也不…:neither… nor

50. 表示“并列”:not only … but also …,不但…而且…both… and … …和…都 either …or …或者…或者…whether …or …不论……还是……

51. 越…越…:the more , the better 越多越好the taller, the better 越高越好

52. 一生:all one’s life

53. as ~ as : as soon as 一…就… as if 好像as soon as possible尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也 regard …as 把…当作…as much as至多,和…一样多 as little as至少 as along as只要as faras 就……来说,至于as well as 和,还,和……一样好

54. 无论…:no matter where=wherever no matter how=however no matter what=whatever no matter who=whoever

55. 从那以后,此后一直:ever since… since then (完成时的标志)

56. ~ so : so far 到目前为止(完成时的标志) or so大约

57. 表示“又,再”: another two hours=two more hours 又(再) 2个小时 a fifth apple

58. 一周三次:three times a week

59. ~ number :the number of…的数量a (large/good/great) number of =large numbers of =many许多,大量的

60. less ~: less than少于 less and less 越来越少 more or less或多或少

62. 直到…才…:not…until…

63. like ~: be like/look like看起来像 feel like +n./V-ing想要like best最喜欢 would like to do sth想做…

64.制造:be made of 由…制造be made from由…制成be made in+地点、某地制造be made by+人 由谁制造的

65. ~ away: wash away冲走 run away逃跑 take away带走put away 把……收好

66. ~ long: before long不久 long before=long ago很久以前for long =for a long time长期no longer = not any longer不再(no more = not any more)

67. more ~: more or less = about或多或少,大约  more than = over多于,超过

68. every ~: every year每年 every four years每隔四年every other day每隔一天everyday English/life日常英语/生活

69. next ~: next to紧挨着 next door隔壁,邻居next year明年 next time下次

70. 收到来信: receive/get/have a letter from sb.= hear from sb. 收到某人的来信

71. 展览:on show = on display

72. 充满…:be filled with = be full of

73. 由于:thanks to = because of

74. ~ day: some day =one day(将来)某一天 all day终日day and night 日日夜夜 in a day or two一两天内  (one or two days/a day or twoo一两天)in the old days从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day)日复一日he day before yesterday前天the day after tomorrow后天Tree Planting


