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1. 两相关联

句型[…two…: one…, (and) the other…]/[…two…: one…, (and) another…]

1. There are two books on the table: one is Chinese and the other, English.

2. Every time you breathe, you breathe two different breaths. You take in one and give out another.

3. There are three balls. One is black and the others are white.

句型[…one (thing)…, (and/but)… another…]

1. It is one thing to flourish and another to fight. 2. To say is one thing, but to do is another.

3. It is one thing to learn, and another to teach. 4. To know is one thing, to practise is another

句型[On (the) one hand, …and on the other (hand)…]

1. On the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other, I am also your comrade and friend.

2. They have been blamed on one hand and lauded on the other.

3. On the one hand, you shouldn't be shy, on the other hand, you mustn't forget your manners.

4. On the one hand, there must be great enthusiasm in work, and on the other, labor must be alternated with rest.

句型[… two (both)…, the one… (and) the other或the former… (and) the latter或the first… (and) the second或that (those)… (and) this (these)…]

1. I have two brothers, Paul and Richard; the one (the former) is fifteen and the other (the latter) is eleven.

2. Accuracy and expressiveness are the two requisites in translation; the one (the first) is to express the exact thought of the original article and the other (the second) is to make the translation readily understood.

3. To die or to yield? I prefer the former alternative to the latter.

4. In his lecture he dwelt especially upon Ah Q and Kong I-ji, pointing out that the second as well as the first was a type.

5. Work and play are both necessary to health, this (the latter) gives us rest, and that (the former) gives us energy.

6. They keep horses and cattle, those for riding, and these for food.

[注] 如果连举三件事物或人,然后加以说明时,可用152句型的扩充式: "… three, one (the one)… another (the other/ the second)… a third (the third)…"。如:

1. There are three people. One is a worker, another is a peasant, and a third is a soldier.

2. Once upon a time there lived three people: the one was deaf, the other (second) was blind, and the third was lame.

句型[Some…(and) some/others…]

1. Some say yes, and some say no. 2. Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.

3. Everyone of us has an engine, i.e. the brain, some people can use it, and some people cannot.

4. After we finish school, some of us will enter the universities to study, some of us will work in the factories; some of us will go to the countryside, and some of us will be soldiers in the army.

5. Some are playing games under a big tree. Some are dancing in a ring. Others are rowing on the lake, and still others are singing on the playground.

[注] 类似本句型的还有:

1) "… part of+名词…, the rest (of+名词) 如: The graduates of our school number two hundred and thirty, part of whom are studying on while the rest (remainder) are going to the countryside or entering factories.

2) "…part … part …" 如: At home, I often speak a sentence part in Chinese part in English.

3) "… half … half …" 如:This alloy is half copper half silver.


句型[… first, …, second, …, third, …, lastly, …][… One, …, Two, …, Three, …, Four, …]

[… first (firstly), …, secondly, …, thirdly, …, lastly, …]

1. Tom brown is well known in this city. (First) He has been a member of the city council for many years. Secondly, and far more importantly, he is a football player of national reputation.

2. First, I wish both of you good health. Second, I wish both of you success in your work; and third, I wish both of you good luck in everything.

3. What do we need in order to really win? We need three things: first-arms, second-arms, third-arms and arms again.

句型 [First / At first / First of all…, soon/afterwards …, then / later / lately…, finally / eventually / at last…]

1. First think, (and) then speak. 2. At first you may find it hard, but it will soon become easy.

3. I think this first day of our vacation is going to be very enjoyable for us. We'll probably first play a game of tennis. Afterwards we'll take a shower. Then we'll do some sun-bathing on the beach. Eventually, we'll take a walk into town.

4. First he goes to Paris, then he goes to Brussels, then he makes up his mind to go to Paris again, and then finally decides to come home.

5. First, the senses are to be set to work; then, memory; and., at last, understanding and judgment.

句型[To begin with / At the beginning…, next / secondly / the second point …, furthermore / moreover …, finally /the final point / and to conclude …]

1. To begin with, he is too young; secondly, he has not finished his studies.

2. They cannot agree. To begin with, they quarrel. Next, they call each other names. Finally, they fight each other with their spears. 3. At the beginning he showed some reluctance, but finally consented.

4. Taking the picture is mainly a question of speed, first in selecting the subject, next in focusing the camera, furthermore, in taking the actual picture and finally in handing out the card.

[注] 这种常见的呼应承接方式:1) 开头用语: To begin with, we may say that… I want to begin by saying…

The first thing I want to say… At first I want to say…

