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Possible version 1:

Living Alone

Some_students_prefer_to_live_alone,_while_others_may_want_to_share_their_rooms_with_their_roommates.The_way_I_like_is_living alone. First,living alone is quiet.I can study and read books in a quiet environment.It can make me sleep well at night.Second.I feel free when I am alone.I need not worry to trouble my roommates even when I want to study late into the night.Also,I can enjoy a comfortable life and there is no need to share the bathroom with other students.Besides,it is easier to keep the room tidy if I live alone because less rubbish is left.

Given the reasons above, I choose to live alone.

Possible version 2:

Living with Roommates

Some_students_prefer_to_live_alone,while_others_may_want_to_share_their_rooms_with_their_roommates.The_way_I_like_isliving with roommates.First,living with roommates is cheaper.I can share the cost of living with other students.It saves money for my parents.Second,living with roommates makes me happy.We can study and play games together.I will have more chances to communicate with others so that I can make friends easily.Besides,when I am in difficulty,my roommates will help me,so I will feel safer when living with others.There is no need to be afraid of living in a new environment any more.

Given the reasons above,I choose to live with roommates.


One possible version:


Good_morning,everyone!Let_me_introduce_myself_first.My name is Li Ming,a student from Class One,Grade Nine,Hongxing Middle School.Yesterday afternoon,the student on duty said he had to see the doctor.I offered to do the cleaning for him.Later I found him playing basketball on the playground.I was quite unhappy. He needn't tell the lie.I would do the duty for him if he asked.

As students,we should always tell the truth even if others might not agree with us.When others tell lies,we'd better make them understand that honesty is the best policy.



Good_morning,everyone!Let_me_introduce_myself_first.My name is Li Ming,a student from Class One,Grade Nine,Hongxing Middle School.Last year,I received a chain letter saying that only kind people could receive the letter.If I sent it to as many people as possible,I would get good luck.But if I didn't,I would die the next day.I was so scared that I sent it to some of my friends.

As students,we shouldn't forward such chain letters.If we don't know how to deal with them,we'd better ask our teachers or parents for help.



Good_morning,everyone!Let_me_introduce_myself_first.My name is Li Ming,a student from Class One,Grade Nine,Hongxing Middle School. I heard a rumor of the same kind this year.It is said that a Chinese medicine called Banlangen could kill the flu of H7N9 or some diseases like that.So it was sold out in our city very soon.I thought it was so silly and I didn't believe it at all.I would rather ask the doctor for advice than buy the medicine.

As students,we should keep calm when we face such rumors.Besides,we shouldn't believe or spread them.



Possible version 1:

My_middle_school_life_is_coming_to_an_end.During_the_three_years,not_only_did_I_have_happy_time,but_I_had_kinds_of_problems.My_biggest_problem_wastoo much homework.Homework seemed endless for me.It made me stay up late and feel very tired every day,but I knew the teachers were expecting us to do better,even the best in my lessons.

How can I deal with the problem?On the one hand,I concentrated more on my study in class.On the other hand,I did the homework as quickly as possible instead of being slow or absent­minded.As a result,I spent less time on homework,and I wasn't frustrated any more.

As we all know,practice makes perfect.Complaining or waiting can't help.Instead we should be active to face our problems.





