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As Daniel Jones, author of Love Illuminated, explains: we spend our youth asking "How do I find love?" and midlife asking "How do I get it back?"

《启蒙的爱》的作者丹尼尔·琼斯(Daniel Jones)说:“年轻的时候,我们总是在问‘我怎样才能找到真爱’?到了中年,我们又会问‘我怎样才能找回爱’?”

Anyone in a relationship or who plans on being in one needs to know how to keep love alive over the long term. But how do you learn the secret to this? Everyone is happy to explain "how they met" but few give the details on "how they stayed together."


So let's look at what science has to say.


"Happily ever after" ain't easy


Aside from being the epitome of lazy writing, "happily ever after" is not simple.


Ty Tashiro explains that couples in their first year of mrriages score 86 percent for marriage satisfaction. By the seventh year, it's under 50 percent.

泰·田代(Ty Tashiro)解释说,夫妻在结婚的第一年对婚姻的满意度是86%。而到了第七年,满意度便不超过50%。

Yes, about 50 percent of couples get divorced. Another 10-15 percent separate but do not file paperwork. And 7 more percent are chronically unhappy.


So the real stat is two-thirds of marriages do not live "happily ever after."


The divorce rate often reported by the media is 50 percent, which is based on Census Bureau data. However, census data does not capture the 10 to 15 percent of couples who permanently separate but do not file formal paperwork for a legal divorce. This means that a conservative estimate of the divorce and permanent separation rate is 60 percent. Add the additional 7 percent of chronically unhappy couples who do not divorce or permanently separate but are consistently unhappy in their marriage, and this means that two-thirds of all married couples do not live happily ever after.


Why is marriage so hard over the long term?


One of the main reasons is what science calls it "habituation." Which is a fancy way of saying we get bored.


Early on, when a couple can finish each other's sentences it's romantic. But over time "predictable" is a huge negative.


Chris Rock gets the point across humorously in this video (NSFW):

基思·洛克(Chris Rock)诙谐地在他的节目中解释了这一点。

Robert Greene, author of The Art of Seduction, explains that surprise is key to romantic feelings:

《诱惑的艺术》一书的作者罗伯特·格林(Robert Greene)说,惊喜是制造浪漫的关键。

Seduction involves a degree of surprise, which is generally the first thing that disappears after you've been in a relationship, and why there's no more seducing that goes on. Everything is familiar and you're no longer surprised by the other person. [The Art of Seduction]


So is there any way to bring those tingles back?


Yes. Here's how.


What you can learn from arranged marriages


"Arranged marriage! AGH! Weird!"


Hold on a sec. We can learn something here. What do researchers find when they compare at 50 arranged marriages and 50 "love" marriages?


Love marriages start out happier — but that declines quickly.


Arranged marriages start out less happy, but after 10 years, they're happier than love marriages. And stay that way.


The couples who had married for love and been together less than a year averaged a score of 70 points out of a possible 91 on the love scale, but these numbers steadily fell over time. The love couples who had been married ten years or longer had an average score of only 40 points. In contrast, the couples in arranged marriages were less in love at the outset, averaging 58 points, but their feelings increased over time to an average score of 68 at the ten or more years mark.


What's the secret behind the long term success of arranged marriages?


They have to work at it.


They don't passively rely on "magic" and intense emotion. They have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to make it work.


That process of discovery is ostensibly the fun of courtship, too, except that in arranged marriage the goal is to figure out how to be married, not whether to marry.


Research shows expecting a fairy tale relationship is a prescription for disappointment.


Elements of fairy tales such as Cinderella were present in 78 percent of people's beliefs about romantic love. Those people were more likely to have experienced disillusionment, devastation, and angst in their relationships than were those who gave less credence to fairy tales.


Feeling like it's all magic means it's out of your control — and that without that initial magic, it's hopeless.


The happiness of arranged marriages means a couple can make magic if they try.


So you need to actively keep the marriage happy. How do you do that?也就是说你需要积极地让婚姻保持鲜活。怎么做呢?

Don't fix the bad. Increase the good.


Look at your spouse as something you purchased "as-is." Research shows trying to change themdoesn't work:


When participants focused their relationship improvement attempts on changing the partner, individuals reported more negative improvement strategies, lower improvement success, and, in turn, more negative relationship evaluations. Results suggest that targeting the partner may do more harm than good despite that relationship evaluations pivot on whether the partner produces change.


John Gottman, researcher and author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, says 69 percent of a couple's problems are perpetual. These problems don't go away yet many couples keep arguing about them year after year.

《婚姻七定律》的作者及研究人员约翰·高特曼(John Gottman)称,夫妻间69%的问题都是永久性的。这些问题不会消失,所以很多夫妻都会不停地为其争论下去。

Most marital arguments cannot be resolved. Couples spend year after year trying to change each other's mind – but it can't be done. This is because most of their disagreements are rooted in fundamental differences of lifestyle, personality, or values. By fighting over these differences, all they succeed in doing is wasting their time and harming their marriage. [The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work]


So if you can't change them and they won't change you, how can you reduce the bad stuff?


You can't. But you don't need to.


