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1. How much are these ______? (tomato)

2. We finished the ______ lesson last week. (nine)

3. He is ______ in English. (interest)

4. Today it is a ______ day. (sun)

5. He is ______ enough to believe that man. (fool)

6. They carried the wounded soldier to ______. (safe)

7. We were very ______ to him for his help. (thank)

8. You must drive ______ when it’s snowing heavily. (care)

9. She noticed a wallet ______ on the ground. (lie)

10. I don’t know ______ book this is. (who)

11. They often go to the ______ park on Sunday. (child)

12. The English ______ often ______ in the concerts. (sing)

13. The ______ girl was not born in ______. (German)

14. We ______ a recorder in our English class. it’s very ______. (use)

15. It seems that our team will ______. (win)

16. Will you go ______ with me tomorrow? (fish)

17. “Why are you late for school again?” said his teacher ______. (angry)

18. The ______ is studying Russian. (science)

19. We are busy ______ for the exam in school. (prepare)

20. It is even ______today. (bad)

21. How many ______ are there in the park? (child)

22. He asked me ______, “would you like a cup of tea?” (polite)

23. We have never heard such a ______ piece of music. (wonder)

24. —He can’t look after ______. he is too young. (he)

25. —Our classroom is bigger than ______. (you)

26. —Do you think Lucy is a ______ girl? (forget)

27. I get up early every day and i’ m always the ______ one to get to school. (one)

28. I’ve been a student ______ eight and a half years. (near)

29. Shanghai is one of ______ cities in the world. (large)

30. Could you lend me your ruler? mine is ______. ( break)


1. Mother was ______(bad) ill. she needed an ______ (operate).

2. Thomas Edison was a great ______(invent). during all his life, he had many ______(invent).

3. We must be strict with ______(us).

4. There is ______ water in the glass than in the bottle. (little)

5. He has three ______ of old books under his bed. (box)

6. You study well. but your brother studies much ______. (well)

7. All the things are very ______. (use)

8. Its very ______ outside in the street. (noise)

9. The two ______ are from England. (visit)

10. Which book is ______, this one or that one? (expensive)

11. My mother like the red one ______ of all. (well)

12._____(usual) the shop isn’t open on Sundays.

13. The building is eighty ______ high. (foot)

14. She often helps her mother do some ______ (wash)

15. He became a ______ in a restaurant. (wait)

16. Mike is fat. but john is a little ______. (fat)

17. This is the ______ summer for ten years. (wet)

18. August is the _____(month) of the year. (eight)

19. He became a _____ when he was only twenty. (music)

20. Tom isn’t good at his studies. his parents are quite ______. (worry)

