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冀教版英语上册Lesson12家庭作业:Karen's hair stood up!



C.She usually goes swimming

D.She thinks it's interesting


Maria is my friend.She had bad__16__ two years ago.She got up late and had __17__ for breakfast.She disliked doing school activities.After getting home from school,she usually played computer games and __18__ she watched TV.She hardly ever drank milk,and she ate junk food three __19__ five times a week.

Then one day,she got sick.She had to be in hospital__20__.It made her feel that she must __21__ herself well.

Now Maria has__22__ habits.She gets up early and __23__ every morning.She usually runs for about an hour.Then she has a __24__ breakfast.At school she plays all kinds of sports.She hardly ever plays computer games or watches TV.She drinks a cup of milk before going to bed.These good habits __25__ her keep healthy and study well.

( )16.A.games B.friends C.programs D.habits

( )17.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

( )18.A.always B.sometimes C.never D.hardly

( )19.A.from B.on C.too D.to

( )20.A.once a week B.two weeks ago C.for three weeks D.twice a week

( )21.A.look after B.look for C.look at D.look up

( )22.A.bad B.well C.bored D.good

( )23.A.sleeps B.exercises C.eats D.plays

( )24.A.easy B.hungry C.healthy D.free

( )25.A.tell B.help C.want D.take



Tony wants to share(分享) his living habit with us.

Here is what Tony usually does on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.At 6:00 a.m.,he gets up and brushes his teeth.Then at 6:30,he goes running for an hour.After that,he takes a shower and cleans up for work.He leaves home for work at 7:30.It takes him 20 minutes to drive to his office.He starts to work at 8:00.In the afternoon,and he usually arrives home from work at 6:30.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays he gets up at 7:00 a.m.He does some housework and then goes to work.He only has to get up early to exercise 3 days a week.

Tony also has healthy eating habits.On the days he doesn't need to exercise.He usually goes to the stores to buy food.He buys healthy food such as vegetables and fruit.Sometimes he buys some meat.He likes eating beef.He likes cooking dinner at home.

He likes to relax on the weekend.He often goes to the park with his friends.He also likes to watch movies.


( )26.Tony gets up at 6:00 a.m. every day.

( )27.Tony arrives at his office at 7:50 a.m.

( )28.Tony doesn't exercise on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

