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冀教版英语上册Lesson12家庭作业:Karen's hair stood up!



( )29.Tony never eats meat.

( )30.Tony often goes to the park on the weekend.


Name From Job Favorite activity How often he/she does it

Tony London Dentist Running Every day

Li Chang Hong Kong Teacher Playing basketball Once a week

Kate Malaysia Artist Swimming Four times a week

Yu Gang Wuhan Student Playing volleyball Three times a week

Grace New York Singer Dancing Twice a week

( )31.Where does Tony come from?

A.Hong Kong.        B.London.

C.New York. D.Malaysia.

( )32.What does Kate do?

A.She is a teacher. B.She is a student.

C.She is a singer. D.She is an artist.

( )33.What does Grace like?

A.Dancing. B.Swimming.

C.Playing volleyball. D.Running.

( )34.How often does Yu Gang play volleyball?

A.Every day. B.Twice a week.

C.Three times a week. D.Once a week.

( )35.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Tony is a dentist.

B.Yu Gang is from Hong Kong.

C.Li Chang works as a teacher.

D.Kate swims four times a week.


We know health is important in everyone's life.Here are some ways to make them easy to get.

★Eat a balanced diet(平衡的饮食).Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables,some grains(谷物) and a little meat.

★Exercise twice or three times a week.

★Get enough sleep.It is best to get eight hours' sleep a day.

★Keep yourself busy.This is good because it stops you from having bad habits.To keep yourself busy,you can walk around the house,spend time with your pet,do sports,or have a hobby.

★Go out and make friends.Spend time and have fun with them.Talk with them,but try not to talk about anything bad.You should stay with the people who are healthy.

( )36.How often should you exercise if you want to get health?

A.Every day.

B.Twice a day.

