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冀教版英语上册Lesson12家庭作业:Karen's hair stood up!




冀教版英语上册Lesson12家庭作业:Karen's hair stood up!


( )1.—What do you often do on ________ weekends?

—I often go ________ online.

A./;/ B.the;the C.the;/ D./;the

( )2.Go along the road and walk ________ the park.The zoo is behind the park.

A.down B.on C.through D.across

( )3.It is healthy to eat when you are hungry and to stop when you are ________.

A.full B.busy C.young D.free

( )4.Vince is interested in sports,________ volleyball,soccer and basketball.

A.hardly ever B.such as

C.because of D.at least

( )5.—What do you think of the book?

—It's difficult for me ________ there are few new words in it.

A.if B.so C.because D.although

( )6.—Do you like eating junk food,Jack?

—No,I ________ eat it.It's bad for our health.

A.often B.always C.sometimes D.never

( )7.He was just a ________ boy when he joined the basketball club.

A.six year old B.six years old

C.six-year-old D.six-years-old

( )8.—Do you think eating too much food ________ good for us?

—I don't think so.We should do some exercise,I think.

A.are B.is C.was D.were

( )9.Mother wants me ________ English every day.

A.to read B.reads C.reading D.read

( )10.—Excuse me.Could you tell me the ________ of the football game last night?

—Of course I can.We got the first place.

A.result B.difference C.program D.rule

( )11.Thirty percent of the boys ________ to school by bicycle.

A.goes B.go C.going D.to go

( )12.I eat ________ meat because I don't want to be too heavy.

A.some B.much C.more D.less

( )13.My uncle ________ every day,but yesterday he ________.

A.exercises;doesn't B.exercises;didn't

C.exercised;doesn't D.exercised;didn't

( )14.—________?

—Twice a week.

A.How often do you use the Internet

B.How do you like the Internet

C.What time do you use the Internet

D.What do you usually do on the Internet

( )15.—What does Cindy usually do after school?


A.She has piano lessons on Monday

B.Her favorite sport is swimming

