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(   )1. What’s the weather like today?

A     B      C

(   )2. What are they going to do?

A           B          C

(   )3. What bird does the woman like best?

(   )4. What was wrong with the girl’s brother?

A        B       C

(   )5. Why did the girl lose her way yesterday? X Kb 1.C om

A. Because of the thick fog.  B.Because it was too dark.     C. Because she was in the forest.

(   )6. Why does the woman tell the man not to drink the water in that glass?

A. Because it’s cold.        B. Because it’s dirty water.       C. Because it’s hot.

(   )7. What will the weather be like later?

A. It’s snowy.       B. It’s rainy.       C. It’s windy.

(   )8. Where will they go?

A. The park.        B. The beach.        C. The museum.

(   )9. Why won’t Amy go to school this week?

A. Because it is foggy.         B. Because her school was old.  C. Because she was hurt.

(   )10. What does the girl do?

A. She wants to go to the police station.   B. She calls the police for help.     C. She wants to play with snow.




(   )11. What’s the weather like tomorrow?

A. Rainy.          B. Sunny.           C. Snowy.

(   )12. Are they going to the Great Wall tomorrow?

A. Yes, they are.     B. No, they aren’t.     C. I don’t know.


(   ) 13. Where is the girl going this Sunday?

A. The Children’s Palace      B. The Children’s Centre     C. The hospital

(   ) 14. What’s wrong with Tom?

A. He has a bad cold         B. He has a headache          C. He hurt his leg.

(   ) 15. When did the accident happen?

A. Yesterday            B. Three days ago        C. Two days ago.


(   )16. When did the story happen?

A. In the morning.            B. In the afternoon.             C. In the evening.

(   )17. Where was Mr Martin sitting?

A.Far from the door.          B. Behind the door.             C. Near the door.

(   )18. How much time earlier did Mr Martin come to the snack bar than the two young persons?

A. An hour.                 B. Half an hour.                C. A quarter of half an hour.

(   )19. Why did Mr Martin let the young man and the young woman sit together?

A. He wanted to get to know them.                           B. He thought they were friends.

C. He didn’t like to sit between young people.

(   )20. What was the relationship(关系)between the young man and the young woman?

A. Friends.                B. Husband and wife.            C. Strangers(陌生人).


