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设计一个主题演讲课。该演讲以“Something I have done well”“我干得不错的一、两件事”为题。要求学生在该演讲中除了尽量多使用现在完成时之外,还必须尽可能地把所学过的五种时态完全用上。最后,在使用合理的前提下,以讲演用现在完成时句式最多者为胜。


1. 首先,把该演讲的题目和要求布置给学生,让学生事先作好准备;

2. 在课堂上先将学生分成若干个小组,

3. 上课时,先让学生在小组内进行演讲,然后由各组推荐一人至两人在班内进行表演。

4. 评出优胜小组,表扬不直接给予学生个人,而是以小组的名义表扬,以增强学生的团队精神。


I have made a very good model plane. I have tried it out many times. It has been in the sky, flying so well, at least ten times. I have shown it to most of the teachers in my school. It has been a hard job to make the model plane. At first I had neither tools nor material. I looked for them almost in every corner of the city. After I had the tools and the material, I started planning the making. I first drew pictures one after another. Then I tried to make my model plane out of paper. I tried to fly it and it went up into the sky. But it soon fell to the ground. I had to go to my math teacher for help. With the teacher’s help I made my first model plane out wood. I tried it out again. This time it was able to fly in the sky for almost two minutes. It was not very good, but much better. Now my newly made model plane can fly for over ten minutes before it lands safely on the field. I’m still trying out new planes one after another. And I’m sure in ten to twenty days my best model plane will be able to stay in the sky for a quarter of an hour.




1. 布置任务,使学生充分明确老师的意图;

2. 各个学习小组分头进行,包括收集材料,进行筛选,加工,合成。

3. 各小组之间进行交流;相互学习,取长补短;

4. 班内评选,全班公布结果。





Channel (频道) 1

Channel 2

18:00 Children’s programme

18:15 English classroom

18:30 Learning to use computers

19:00 TV play

19:00 News

20:30 Sports

19:30 Weather report

21:10 Foreign arts

20:00 Popular music

22:00 Animal world

21:00 Talk show

23:05 Only in China

22:30 Around the world

23:40 On TV next week


A: You want to listen the weather information after learning to use computer, how long do you have to wait?

B: I must wait half an hour.

A: How can I watch the football match today?

B: You’d better watch the Sports progaramme at 20:30 on Channel 2.


教师给出关于介绍Jacques Cousteau生平的阅读文章,让学生在指定的时间内快速阅读,读后马上回答问题:

1. What has Jacques Cousteau done for the world and human being?

2. What is Jacques Cousteau good at or expert in?

Jacques Cousteau

Jacques-Yves was born in Saint-Andre-de-Dubzac, France, to Daniel and Elizabeth Cousteau on June 11, 1910. Cousteau always loved the water and in his early teens, he became interested in machines. At the age of 11, Cousteau built a model crane and at 13, he built a battery-operated(电池操作) car. Also in his early teens, Cousteau became fascinated(着迷) with films. He saved his money and bought a home movie camera.

In high school, Cousteau became bored with school and began to cause trouble. As a result, his parents sent him to a strict boarding school. Cousteau excelled in this new environment and upon graduation(毕业), he entered the Ecole Navale (Naval Academy) in Brest. In 1933, Cousteau joined the French Navy as a gunnery(射击) officer. It was during this time that he began his underwater explorations and began working on a breathing machine for longer dives.

In 1937, Cousteau married Simone Melchoir, and they had two sons, Jean-Michel and Phillipe. Two years after their marriage, Cousteau fought for the French in World War II. He spent time as a spy and was awarded several medals(奖章). During the war, Cousteau still found time to continue his underwater work. In 1943, he and French engineer Emile Gagnan perfected the aqualung(水中呼吸器), which allowed a diver to stay underwater for several hours. Divers used the aqualung to located and remove enemy mines after World War II.

Cousteau was named a captain(船长) de corvette(巡洋舰) of the French navy in 1948, and two years later he became president of the French Oceanographic Campaigns. That same year, Cousteau purchased the ship Calypso(“卡里普索”号船) to further his explorations. To finance his trips and increase public awareness of his undersea investigations, Cousteau produced numerous films and published many books. His films include The Silent World (1956) and World Without Sun (1966). Both won Academy Awards for best documentary. His books include The Living Sea (1963), Dolphins (1975), and Jacques Cousteau: The Ocean World (1985).

Because of his many projects, Cousteau retired from the French navy. In 1957, he became director of the Oceanographic(海洋学的)Museum of Monaco, founded the Underseas Research Group at Toulon, and headed the Conshelf Saturation Dive Program. The Conshelf program was an experiment in which men lived and worked underwater for extended periods of time.

In 1968, Cousteau was asked to make a TV series. For the next 8 years, The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau introduced the public to a world of sharks, whales, dolphins, sunken treasure, and coral reefs(珊瑚礁). In 1974, Cousteau started the Cousteau Society to protect ocean life. The membership of this non-profit group has grown to include more than 300,000 members worldwide. Cousteau was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Reagan in 1985 and in 1989, he was honored by France with membership in the French Academy.

On January 11, 1996 the Calypso(“卡里普索”号船) sank in Singapore harbor(海港). In his last years, Cousteau was involved in a legal(法律的) battle with his son, Jean-Michael over the use of the Cousteau name. Cousteau died on June 25, 1997.

