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一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

(   )1. 下列单词中th的发音与其他几个不同的是:_______。

A. think      B. month        C. health       D. those

(   )2. — What would you like for _____  lunch today?

— I’d like just _____ hamburger.

A. ; a      B. a; the        C. the; a       D. ;

(   )3. — The cake is too sweet.

— Yes. I won’t put so much _____ in cakes next time.

A. salt      B. fruit        C. juice      D. sugar

(   )4. It is not good to go running _____ noon.

A. in      B. on         C. at       D. to

(   )5. Eating beef is good for us, because there _____much energy in it.

A. has      B. have        C. is       D. are

(   )6. — Sir, this is our menu. What would you like to _____?

— Hmm, two pies and a cup of coffee.

A. cook     B. make        C. eat       D. order

(   )7. There isn’t any _____in this supermarket.

A. sheep      B. tree         C. fruit       D. hills

(   )8. — Do _____in your school have a holiday on March 8?

— No. But there is usually a big party for them.

A. woman teachers B. women teachers    C. women teacher D. woman teacher

(   )9. The pears _____really nice. I’d like to have some more.

A. see      B. seem        C. sound      D. taste

(   )10. — What drink would you like, Andy?

— Could we have _____?

A. two glasses of orange juice        B. two glass of orange juice

C. two glasses of orange juices        D. two glass of orange juices

(   )11. Simon likes pears _____ apples, but he doesn’t like bananas _____ oranges.

A. and; and B. or; or     C. and; or   D. or; and

(   )12. Taking a walk after supper can help us _____ fit.

A. plan      B. make        C. keep       D. want

(   )13. — _____ milk do you have every day, Nancy?

— I have two cartons of milk every day.

A. How much     B. How many      C. How often     D. How long

(   )14. — How often do you eat snacks between meals?

—  _____. I don’t think they are good for me.

A. Often     B. Usually        C. Seldom      D. Always

(   )15. — Mum, I’d like to play computer games this afternoon.

—  _____. But please do your homework first.

A. All right   B. That’s right      C. That’s all right  D. All the best

二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

A village (村庄) is very famous these days, because there are many very    16    people there. Twenty of them are    17    95 years old and one is 108.    18    can they live so long? We ask Yang Shiya, a girl in this village, the    19   .

Shiya tells us the reasons. First, the village is near some    20   . People plant fruit trees there, so they climb the hills to work on their trees every day. “It’s a kind of    21   , right?” Shiya says, “My grandpa    22    early every morning, and then he works in the hills. The air (空气) is nice and he feels very happy at a    23    place.”

Shiya also says people in the village    24    buy food. They eat lots of    25    food like vegetables and fruit from their farms.

So, what makes a long life?

(   )16. A. young       B. old         C. great       D. kind

(   )17. A. more than      B. less than     C. only      D. right

(   )18. A. What      B. Where       C. When      D. How

(   )19. A. idea       B. story       C. lifestyle     D. question

(   )20. A. rivers      B. hills        C. houses      D. schools

(   )21. A. work       B. food        C. exercise     D. game

(   )22. A. gets up      B. goes to bed      C. has lunch    D. goes to work

(   )23. A. short      B. small       C. big       D. high

(   )24. A. always      B. usually      C. seldom     D. often

(   )25. A. red       B. blue        C. white      D. green


