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五. 请阅读短文,并根据短文内容完成后面的表格。每空一词。 (每小题1分,共10分)

All students want to look good. Looking good can make other people like you and make you happy. It can also help you make more friends. So it is important to look good.

Many teachers say Jacob is a good boy who always looks good. Well, we should learn from him. Let’s listen to what Jacob says.

“A smile (微笑) tells that you’re a happy boy. But if your teeth are not clean, people will not like you. So I brush my teeth twice a day.

Dirty hair is bad like dirty teeth. No one likes dirty hair. Wash it and visit the barber’s (理发店) often. It is not a good idea to wear too long hair. Teachers don’t like it, right?

The body is also important. Boys often want to look strong like the men on TV. In fact (事实上), few people can be like them. But you can look healthy! Exercise and healthy food can help you. Don’t eat too much meat, and exercise for more than 3 hours every week.

Be yourself. Don’t just learn from stars or your friends.”

Let’s look good


good is

(51)_____ It makes others (52)_____  you.

It makes you feel (53)_____ .

It helps you make more (54) _____.


(55) _____ from Jacob Keep your teeth (56) _____ . Brush teeth (57)_____a day.

Dirty hair is

(58) _____ . Don’t wear dirty hair or too (59) _____ hair.

Be careful with your body. You can’t look strong like stars, but you can look (60)_____ .

Be yourself. Don’t just learn from others.

六. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 (每小题3分,共15分)

61. 我爸爸每天睡眠不到六个小时。

My father sleeps for _____   every day.

62. 这个学校的学生总数大约是1,200。

the students in this school is about 1,200.

63. 我餐间从来不吃零食。

I never eat _____     .

64. 你要不要来点奶茶?

Would you like _____ ?

65. 你多久打一次电脑游戏啊?

do you play  _____      ?

七. 书面表达 (15分)

校园BBS上有一个署名为Walking Cat的帖子,请你写一个70词左右的回帖,并给Walking Cat提出两到三点建议。

Dear friends, look at my photo. My best friend says I am too fat. She says I look like a duck when I run. I am 1.55 metres tall. And my weight is 58 kg. Am I really fat? How can I be a slim girl? Can you help me, my dear friends?






