例1 同学们可以通过阅读技巧培养快速领会文章大意的能力,即How to get a general idea of thepassage by skimming and scanning。
How can we summarize the reading with only one
key word or one key phrase?
How can we summarize the reading with only one key sentence or one short passage?
例2 “The effects of the[nternet O13 our lives”这篇文章客观而简要论述因特网有利于和不利于人们生活的两个方面。同学们可以通过阅读技巧掌握如何阅读议论文。
What’s the title of the reading? (The efects of the Internet on our lives)
What are the sub—titles of the reading? (The
Internet has positive effects on people’S life/The
Internet has negative efects on people’S life.
How can we summarize the reading with only onekey word?(Efects) ’
How can we summarize the reading with only twokey words? (P—osi—tive and negative effects)
例1 积累单项填空中优美的句子:
John’s success has nothing to do with good luck.
It is years of hard work that has made him what he is today.(2010年湖南卷)
So far we have done a lot to build a low.carboneconomy,but it is far from idea1.We have to work stillharder.(2010年江苏卷)
例2 积累课文中优美的句子:
Parents and teachers have the responsibility to teach children how to cross the road safely.
It is up to us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.
例3 积累权威试题书面表达参考答案中的优美的语段 :
Li Yue is always warn'l-hea~ed and cares a lot about others.Besides,she often devotes herself tohelping others.She has set a good example to US.Therefore,she deserves the honour and we should learnfrom her.(2010年浙江卷)
例4 把书面表达能力的培养和语法复习结合起来:
We must stress that it’S everyone’S duty toprotect the environment.
We must stress the point that it’S everyone’Sduty to protect the environment.
It must be stressed that it’s everyone’S duty to protect the environment.
W hat 1 want tO stress is that it’S everyone’S duty to protect the environment.