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1. What's the price of a student ticket?

A. 10 dollars. B. 7.5 dollars. C. 5 dollars.

2. What time is it now?

A. It's 3:00 pm. B. It's 4:00 pm. C. It's 3:30 pm.

3. What can we learn about the man?

A. He works like a mechanic. B. He hasn't enough money. C. He has got a mechanic.

4. What does Robert plan to do?

A. Go to New York. B. Visit a plantation. C. Move to the south.

5. What class does the girl prefer to have?

A. The P.E. B. The art. C. The biology.




6. Why did Bob go to Canada?

A. To do business. B. To go sightseeing. C. To further his study.

7. What subjects do students from Canada like?

A. Economics and engineering. B. Business and computing. C. Computing and economics.


8. What does the girl want to do?

A. To apply for a loan. B. To repay a loan. C. To learn about a loan.

9. Why do they need to contact the girl's college?

A. To make sure she needs money. B. To make sure she is a student.

C. To make sure she studies well.

10. When will the girl know the result?

A. This week. B. Next week. C. In three weeks.


11. Why won't Susan go to Phoenix?

A. She didn't book a plane ticket. B. She lost her plane ticket. C. She can't afford the trip.

12. Where did Susan probably lose her wallet?

A. In the street. B. In the bank. C. On the bus.

13. What does the man advise Susan to do?

A. To go to the police station. B. To call the bus company. C. To ask someone about it.


14. When did the woman begin to dance?

A. At the age of seven. B. At the age of nine. C. At the age of sixteen.

15. Where did the woman get her first job?

A. In New York. B. In Amsterdam. C. In Holland.

16. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The woman's experience. B. A ballet company. C. A famous ballet dancer.


17. What is the man speaker probably?

A. A zoo keeper. B. A volunteer. C. An animal expert.

18. What can we learn about volunteers?

A. They can operate on sick animals. B. They are not allowed to do office work.

C. They can help animals in their daily life.

19. Which is not mentioned to help abandoned pets?

A. The responsibility. B. The medical care. C. The family's support.

20. Where Can you go if you want to help animals?

A. To the nature centers. B. To the pet shops. C. To the local hospitals.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单选填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


21.— Jenny, I've learned your plan. Could I make some suggestions?

— _______ .

A. My pleasure B. Go right ahead C. With pleasure D. Just for fun

22. When he realized the police________ him, the man ________ for the exit as quickly as possible.

A. spotted; made B. spotted; had made C. had spotted; made D. had spotted; had madewww. Xkb 1.co m

23.________ the roars of a“tiger mom”, a“wolf dad”stirred an argument again about stick parenting.

A. To follow B. Following C. Followed D. Follow

24. He does business mainly on the Internet, so he makes it his daily ________ to check his email.

A. duty B. routine C. tradition D. hobby

25. The fire started on the first floor of the hospital, many of ________ patients are elderly and weak.

A. which B. whom C. whose D. its

26. She is reading an________ story and there is an ________ expression on her face.

A. amused; amused B. amused; amusing C. amusing; amusing D. amusing; amused

27. — David, the windows of the house are very dirty.________ I have them cleaned before we move in?

— Of course.

A. Will B. Would C. Shall D. Do

28. — So you think we should sell the house and move to the countryside?

— _______ .

A. Generally B. Strictly C. Luckily D. Exactly

29.________ people went to the cinema to see Zhang Yimou's new film the flowers of War.

A. A good many of B. A plenty of C. Not a few D. A large amount of

30. The government official said________school bus safety checks have started across the country and________, so far, 15 buses have been found to be operating illegally.

A. what; that B. that; what C. that; 不填 D. 不填; that

31. — Did you visit the Yellow Mountain last week?

— Yes. That was the third time I________ there.

A. had been B. have been C. was D. would be

32. Without the help of the PLA men, all 69 miners trapped in a flooded coal mine in Henan Province for three days ________ .

A. couldn't rescue B. couldn't have been rescued

C. shouldn't have rescued D. hadn't been rescued

33. We need to ensure that the teaching they receive is________to their needs.

A. appropriate B. outstanding C. apparent D. absorbed

34.________ customer complaints, the company improved its production method.

A. In addition to B. In re sponse to C. In need of D. In memory of

35. ________, the girl couldn't get the door open.

A. Try as she might B. Try might as she C. Might as she try D. Try ahhough she might

第二节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Sometimes we have to wonder where all the good news has gone. Turn on the TV or check the news online and it seems to be one 36 after another.

37 when we do get a glimpse of 38 news, it attracts our eyes right up. Like just recently, there was a science article online about 39 and how they prepare delicious meals. I went right for it. I was really 40 about what was happening out there in the ocean. It was a short break from the 41 news which we really don't want to know about.

In an attempt to write more 42 articles, the media sometimes give us a glimpse of what I call, almost news. Like a recent articles about finding a woman they think might be 128 years old. That's kind of 43 But they didn't wait to find out if it was 44 news first. Instead, they just printed that 45 news story. It's still a nice break. And if the woman actually is 128 years old, I'd like to see a follow-up article on 46 she did it. Wouldn't it be great if she grew so 4 7 from eating ice cream, potato chips and dip?

While it's true that sensationalism (追求轰动效应) 48 stories, we need frequent breaks from all that negative reality. There's another form of reporting that's extremely 49 and it's neither positive nor negative. It’s 50 news. A possible problem is 51 , such as a volcano in Alaska that's expected to erupt. Scientists at the volcano center in Alaska had been monitoring a series of 52 under the volcano. The residents, being warned as a good news report will do, were buying up breathing masks and air filters for their homes. They're 53 food and water in case they need to hunker (蹲下) down in the house for a few days while volcanic ash falls and settles and even the earthquakes follow.

News like that serves a great 54 : giving people time to prepare for a disaster on the way so they have a chance to do whatever is necessary to 55 themselves and their kids.

36. A. story B. disaster C. comedy D. joke

37. A. So B. But C. Still D. Otherwise

38. A. sudden B. shocking C. good D. sad

39. A. tigers B. dolphins C. monkeys D. birds

40. A. sorry B. happy C. upset D. curious

41. A. normal B. common C. usual D. average

42. A. positive B. valuable C. scary D. interesting

43. A. cool B. strange C. bad D. exciting

44. A. attractive B. realistic C. reasonable D. real

45. A. moving B. impressive C. maybe D. comfortable

46. A. what B. where C. why D. how

47. A. young B. old C. strong D. wise

48. A. develops B. helps C. sells D. benefits

49. A. great B. useful C. alarming D. normal

50. A. daily B. warning C. political D. scientific

51. A. coming up B. coming over C. coming back D. come down

52. A. collapse B. fire C. flood D. earthquakes

53. A. giving away B. taking away C. storing up D. using up

54. A. idea B. model C. lesson D. purpose

55. A. protect B. educate C. persuade D. encourage

