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1.The computer is one of the most wonderful ________(发明).

2. The fruit which ________(包括) all kinds of vitamins sells well.

3.________(登录)on this website, and you can find more useful advice.

4.The desert is ________(可进入的)only by helicopter.

5.The government plans to ________(创造)more jobs for youngpeople.

6.The ________(设计)of the car is similar to that of the earlier models.

7.Humor is a more effective ________(防御)than violence.

8.The ________(故障)of the computer system is caused by the new virus.

9.Our local library will be a useful ________(来源) ofinformation.

10.He has stored many important ________(文件).

答案:1.inventions 2.contains 3.Log 4.accessible

5.create 6.design 7.defence 8.breakdown 9.source 10.documents


1.While her mother was cooking, she __________________(想出) a good idea.

2.All students ____________(有权使用) the school library now.

3.The class __________________(由……组成) 68 students now.

4.His wife as well as his children ____________(invite) to the party yesterday.

5.The value of the dollar has ______________(下降) again.

6.I'm going to America to spend the holiday, and Tom is going ____________(也).

7.Mary's success ________(使成为可能) for her to be a singer.

答案:1.came up with 2.have access to 3.is made up of/consists of 4.was invited 5.gone down 6.as well

7.made it possible


1.—You can't enter the building without ________ permission.

—I've lost ________ permission card.

答案:/;the 句意:——“没有许可证你不能进入该楼。”——“我把许可证丢了。”without permission“擅自,未经允许”是固定搭配,第二个空为特指,故用the。

2.The United Kingdom________(consist) Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

答案:consists of  考查动词短语。句意:联合王国包括大不列颠及北爱尔兰。

3.Facing the fast growth of the population, scientists will have to ________(come) new methods of increasing the world's food supply.

答案:come up with 考查动词短语。句意:面对快速增长的人口,科学家必须要想出增加世界粮食供应的新办法。come up with“提出,想出”,符合题意。

4.Nowdays when people talk about close-magic tricks, the first one ________ comes into their minds is Liu Qian's.

答案:that 考查定语从句。句意:如今当人们谈论起近景魔术时,第一个映入他们脑海的就是刘谦表演的那些。先行词是the first one,而又因为one前有序数词修饰,只能用that。

5.The experiment is________(design) to test the new drug.

答案:designed 句意:这个实验的目的是想测试这种新药品。 be designed to do“为某目的或用途而制造或设计”。

