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北师大版高一上册英语第三单元知识点:Lesson 2 Parties



下文是北师大版高一上册英语第三单元知识点:Lesson 2 Parties,学习目标:掌握本部分中的重点词语:prefer,retire,reception,apply,marry,on time等。


1.War usually means ________ (破坏);not construction.

2.All night long the ______ (庆祝) of victory went on.

3.The __________ (传统的) English breakfast includes bacon and eggs.

4.The train __________ (行驶) into the station.

5.A teacher shouldn’t show __________ (偏爱) for any one of his pupils.

6.Each __________ (个别的) person has his own personalities.

7.I have seen all his films,i__________ the last.

8.A policeman has the p__________ to arrest a criminal.

9.There is a large v________ of dishes on the menu.

10.She d__________ the room with flowers,which made the room seem pleasant.


1.全世界 ____________________________

2.或者……或者 ______________________

3.在最近几年 ________________________

4.参加 ______________________________

5.竹叶 ______________________________

6.扑灭 ______________________________

7.填写 ______________________________

8.由……制成 ________________________

9.依靠 ______________________________

10.驱赶 _____________________________

11.欺骗,戏弄 ________________________

12.当权,执政 ________________________

13.用……做记号 _____________________

1....he thanked everyone for bringing him a present.



present n.礼物;adj.目前的;出席的;v.赠送;授予

at present现在,目前

for the present暂时

be present at出席

present sb.with sth.=present sth.to sb.向某人赠送(颁发、授予)某物


(1)There were 200 people ______________________________.有200人出席会议。

(2)They ____________ flowers __________ their teacher.


(3)I don’t need the dictionary ________;you can use it now.

A.at present B.at that time

C.for one time D.at a time

2.retire vi.退休;退出


retired adj.退休的

retirement n.退休

retire from退出;自……引退





(1)He retired __________ the army in 1986.

(2)She has no plans to retire __________ editor of the magazine.

(3)He retired __________ his sixties,but he kept on working eight hours a day after that.

