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外研版高二上册英语Sandstorms in Asia教学计划模板:Module 4



进一步深化教育教学改革,树立全新的语文教育观,构建全新而科学的教学目标体系、精品学习网特制定高二上册英语Sandstorms in Asia教学计划模板



1 语言知识、技能目标:掌握与沙尘暴有关的词汇、短语;能读懂课文并理解语段之间的逻辑关系,从中获取信息并回答有关问题; 2 素质教育目标:了解世界环保情况,培养环保意识。



教学内容:1, Word list and names and places of Module 4

2, Exercises related to vocabulary


教学难点:Correctly pronounce the long words

教学方法:Listening, reading and practicing



Step1 Introduction

We have learned many kinds of natural disasters such as Tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes, and we know that we can’t stop them from happening, but we can reduce the damage they bring by studying them. Do you know that there is other kind of disasters caused by both climate changes and human beings? (Leave a few seconds for the students to think.) Sandstorms are one of this kind of disaster. In this module, we will talk about sandstorms. First, let’s deal with the new words in this module.

Step 2 Presentation

Page 114, Word list of module 4;

Play the tape of the word list, Module 4 for the students to follow at least twice. Listen to the long words a few times more for the students to listen more clearly and repeat.

Step 3 Practice

Allow the students at most ten minutes to practice reading these words and then check the pronunciation. While checking, the students read the words one by one, and each student reads only one word. Meanwhile, correct the wrong pronunciations together with the students.

Step 4 Presentation

Briefly explain a few words, such as desertification, forecast, and so on. Write them on the blackboard

Step 5 Practice

Page 31, Part 1 and 2; Page 33, Part 2 and 3; Page 35, Part 1.

Allow the students enough time to practice, when most of them have finished, check the answers.

Step 6 Homework

1                         Read the word again.

2                         Preview the text.

Step 7 Teaching reflections

Most of the students can read the word list correctly and fluently. Encourage the quick students to help those who have difficulties in pronouncing.

