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1. sometimes, sometime, some time, some times

Sometimes是副词, 意思是“有时”。如:

My father usually goes to work by bike, but sometimes on foot.

sometime也是副词, 意思是“某个时候”。如:

I saw him sometime in October.


He will go to call on his uncle sometime next week.

some tome作为副词词组意为“某时候”,通常用于将来时;作为名词词组则是“一些时间”的意思。some times的意思是“数次”。如:

Let's have dinner some time next week.

He has waited for some time.

2. fairly和rather


1) rather一般用来表示消极的含义,如否定的、坏的、不理想的概念。而fairly一般用来表示积极的、好的、合理想的概念。

Let’s go by bus. It’s rather cold outside. Her English is fairly good.

2) rather可与比较级(形容词或副词)连用,也可与too连用,表示a little(有点)、slightly (稍微)的意思,fairly则不能这样用。

a) 与比较级连用,“……多了”

My brother is rather better today.

This dictionary is rather more expensive than that one.

b) 与too连用“有点…;稍微…”

This book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.

We had a fairly nice dinner, but the price is rather too high.

c) 当修饰名词且有不定冠词时,冠词应该放在fairly前,rather之后。

如:a fairly pretty girl / rather a bad boy

3. 即可作形容词又能作副词的 “-ly”副词的用法

1) 抽象与具体

a) deep和deeply一般说来,用于具体的情况时deep和deeply 均可(但deep更常用); deeply用于抽象的情况。

He dived deep /deeply into the water. (具体)

I was deeply moved by his heroic deeds. (抽象)

b) high和highly

The bird is flying high in the sky. (具体)

He was highly thought of by the students. (抽象)

c) wide和widely

He opened his eyes wide. (具体)

English is widely used in the world. (抽象)

2) 习惯用法

a) easy与easily


go easy (宽容);go easy on (节省);take it easy (放松);easy does it (不着忙);get off easy (不受严厉惩罚);stand easy (休息);Easy come, easy go. (来的易去的快)


This TV set can be easily moved about.

b) aloud, loud, loudly

aloud “大声地”,常与cry, shout连用;表示“出声地”与silently相对。

The boy in the water is crying aloud for help. Please read the text aloud.

loud主要说明人的谈笑声音,常与speak, talk, laugh, say, shout连用。但如果说的是消极行为,则用loudly。loudly常含有“喧闹、嘈杂、吵闹”之意。

He was about to speak loud when the naughty boy began to cry loudly.


Today she is very loudly dressed.

c) slow与slowly

在walk, run, climb, go, speak, read, burn以及how之后常用slow, 如:

How slow he climbs up the hill!


She eats more slowly of all the family.

d) quick与quickly


He ran as quick as I did at the sports meeting.

另外,在口语中, quick通常在词组中作副词,如在 Come quick(快点来)这样的词组中,但在正式写作中,要求使用 quickly

3) 意义相似,常可互换。

这样的词常见的有:clear / clearly; direct / directly; free / freely; bad / badly; quiet / quietly 等等。但值得注意的是,有些场合带-ly的副词通常表示方式,不带-y的副词通常表示结果。例如:

The door is closed tight. Please tightly close the door.

The photo has not come out clear. He remembers the photo clearly.


常见的频率副词有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never等。

1. 频率副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前,系动词、情态动词或助动词之后。如:

I usually get up at six in the morning.

Li Ming is often late for school.

We could hardy understand him.


Can they usually find time for amusements?

Yes, they always can.

为了加强语气,也可放在句首。其中often, seldom, hardly, barely, never在句首时,句子要倒装。如:

Sometimes we play basketball, sometimes we play table tennis.

Often did we warn them not to do so.

2. 其中seldom, hardly, 和never常看作否定词,因此在构成反意疑问句时,附加疑问句部分常用肯定式。如:

You seldom go to your uncle’s, do you?

She can hardly read and write, can she?

八、older和elder; farther和further

1. old的比较级和最高级有两种形式,即older, elder和oldest, eldest。在就年龄作比较时和修饰物时要用older, oldest。如:

I am one year older than you.

Mr. Smith is the oldest in the office.

My coat is older than yours.


My elder sister is at college.

He is my eldest daughter.

Who is the eldest of the three (sisters或brothers)?


