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My elder brother is one year older than I.

2. far的比较级和最高级也分别有两种形式,即farther和further; farthest和furthest。对距离进行比较,即表示“更远”、“较远”时,美国英语常用farther, farthest, 英国英语中further较farther更常用。如:

He is too tired to go any further (farther).

The school is on the further (farther) side of the mountain.


Don’t make any change till further notice.

Please wait for further information.


Who ran (the ) farthest? She is the farthest advanced of all my students.



1. many, much, a lot, a good (great) dea1, far (by far) 等表示“…得多”,如:

We are making far greater progress now than we did last year.

She looks much younger than she actually is.

Joan made a lot more paper flowers than Mary.

2. some, any表示“一些”。some用于肯定句,any用于否定句或疑问句。如:

I have got some more books, but not enough. Have you got any more money from him?

3. a little, a bit表示“稍许”,“一点儿”。如:

May I stay here a little longer? This lesson is a bit more difficult than that one.

4. still, even等表示“甚至更”、“还要”。如:

Tom studies harder than Jack. Peter studies even (still) harder.

5. 当副词all修饰比较级时,前面应加定冠词the,意思是“越发地…”

When I learned that he was a boy of not more than ten, my wonder was all the greater.

6. 在比较句型more than的结构中应注意以下几点

1) 表示“弱化比较”意义的形容词无论是多音节还是单音节,一概用less。例如:

My father is less angry than yesterday. (我爸爸的气较昨天消了一些。)

2) no + 比较级 + than表示“只有”“仅”“就那么……”或“一样”。如:

My whole school education added up to no more than one year.

I could see no more than you.

3) not + 比较级 + than表示“不比”,“不足”。如:

That boy is not more than fifteen, I think..


They designed a device (装置) no bigger / not bigger than a match box.

用no bigger than表示这一装置“仅一个火柴盒那么大”;用not bigger 表示这一装置“还没有一个火柴盒大”。

4) no more…than或not…any more than“和…一样地不…”,意味着两者都否定,但往往着重说明前面的一个分句,其作用相当于“neither…nor”。例如:

Mary is no more diligent than Tom. = Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent.


5) not more… than“不如…;不及于…”,语气常着重于后面的一个分句,常可与“not so / as … as”互换使用。例如:

This story is not more interesting than that one.

= This story is not so/as interesting than that one.

7. 用数字表示确切的量或倍数关系。如:

There are 10 more students in our class than in Class 2.

Mr. Johnson is three years older than his wife.



1. A + be (或谓语动词) + 数词 + times + as + 形容词原级 + as B.

This playground is three times as large as that one.

2. A + be (或谓语动词) + 数词 + times + the + (size, weight, length, width, depth, height, number…) + of + B.

This playground is three times the size of that one.

3. A + be (或谓语动词) + 数词 + times + 形容词比较级 + than B.

This playground is twice larger than that one.


This street is four times the length of that one.

= This street is four times as long as that one.

= This street is four times longer than that one.

= This street is four-fold longer than that one.

注意:但若表示“比…大 (长、宽、重、高、深…等)多少”,须用“数字%+比较级+than”来表达。上句还可转换为:

This street is 300% longer than that one.






