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Are you a close friend of theirs?

(2) close adv. 靠近;接近

He was standing close to the door.

(3) close v. 关上;关闭(不开发);结束

She closed her eyes. / Her eyes closed. (闭上)

(4 ) closely adv. 紧密地;仔细地;密切地

He got closely in touch with the magazines of today.

The little baby was closely looked after by her.


(1) close 与 closely 作副词时,close含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。

(2) 类似的词组有 high (高) -- highly (高度地),deep (深深地) -- deeply (深入地),wide (很开,宽) -- widely (广 泛地),low (低的)-- lowly (低贱的) (作形容词)

5. hand in 交上去(给老师或上级);交来(hand v.)

Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.


(1) hand down 传下来;传给 Our father handed down these customs to us.

(2) hand on…to…传给,传递They will hand the photograph to those who have not seen it.

(3) hand out 发给大家;散发 The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.

6. instead of 代替……

(1) instead of + n. / pron.

Give me the red one instead 0f the green one.

(2) instead of + doing

We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

(3) instead of + 介词短语

He studies in the evening instead of during the day.


(1) instead adv. 作为替代 (……而),代替 If Harry is not well enough to go with you, take me instead.

(2) rather than 而不是,与其……宁愿 He ran rather than walked.

(3) in place of 代替,……而不用The Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.

7. 含take的短语

① take a picture 照相,拍照

② take a taxi / bus, etc. 打的(坐公交车等)

③ take away 拿走,夺取,使离去

④ take care of 小心,照料,保管

⑤ take off 脱,去掉,取消,起飞

⑥ take out 拿出,带……出去

⑦ take one's place 就坐,坐某人的座位,代替某人的位置

⑧ take place 发生,产生

⑨ take exercise 做运动

⑩ take a seat 坐下

? take turns 轮流

? take an active part in 积极参加

? take a message 捎口信

? take on 从事,呈现

? take the place of 取代,代替

? take apart 拆开

? take down 拿下,记下

? take...for... 误认为……

? take in 吸收,接纳

? take up 拿起.从事.占据


