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[例句] Father was convinced that Peter was unhappy at boarding school, and made arrangements to take him away. 父亲确信彼得在寄宿学校不开心,决定把他带走。/ Will you lake care of buying the wine for tonight's party? 你负责为今晚的晚会买酒水好吗? / The boys got into the car and took off for the drug store. 男孩们进到车里,开车去了药店。/ He took my place in the queue so that I could go and get something to eat. 他替我排好了队,以便我能够回


8. used to

(1) used to do sth. 过去常常……(现在已不如此)

We used to grow beautiful roses.


You usedn’t to make that mistake.

She didn't use(d) to do it, did she?

You used to smoke a pipe, didn't you? / use(d) n't you?

(2) be / get / become used to + n. / doing 习惯于

I have always been used to hard work.

He got used to living in the country.

(3) be used to do 被用来做……

This knife is used to cut bread.

表示“过去常常……”时,used to与would区别:

(1) would 只强调“过去常常……”,used to 说明现在不是如此。

The old woman would sit there for hours doing nothing.

(2) would 只接行为动词,used to 可接行为动词和表状态的词。如:be, like, know, have。There used to be a temple at the foot of the mountain.

9. watch out 当心;注意

You'll be cheated if you don't watch out.

(1) watch out for = look out for 提防;当心

You must always watch out for the traffic here!

(2) watch over 照看;看守;负责

The mother bird is watching over her young.

10. 含“动词 + out”短语

① come out 出来,出版,传出

② go out 出去,熄灭,不时兴

③ look out 当心,注意

④ take out 拿出,取出,带……出去

⑤ rush out 冲出去,匆忙大量生产

⑥ try out 尝试,试验

⑦ watch out 小心

⑧ wear out 穿破,用坏,(使)疲乏,消磨

⑨ find out 找出,查出

⑩ make out 填写,完成.设法应付

? get out 出去,逃离,泄露,公布

? pick out 看出,选出

? think out 想出

? give out 发出,筋疲力尽

? set out出发,陈述

[例句]Please go out and tell the children to make less noise. 请出去告诉孩子们不要吵闹。/ These bicycles have been rushed out and not up to our usual standard. 这些自行车匆忙大量生产,没有达到我们的正常标准。/ Watch out. The train is coming. 小心,火车来了。/ Your will wear out your patience in time, my friend. 朋友,最终我们会没有耐心的。

【考例】(2005湖北) This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ____ my father.

A. find out B. pick out

C. look out D. speak out


[答案与解析]B pick out意为“挑选,辨别出”;find out意为“找出.发现”;look out意为“留神,注意”: speak out意为“大声说出”。



(get away,take up,take on,think out,get down to)

1. -- Shall we set off right now? -- Sorry. I'm too busy to ____ for the moment. (get away)

2. The final examination is coming: you really must ____ your studies. (get down)

3. The manager doesn't have much free time as his work ____ nearly all his spare time. (takes up)

4. We also shared a number of qualities which we fell were in our favor when we ____ the task. (took on)

5. He might have ___his idea about the art exhibition much better, if he had planned what he wanted to say. (thought out)



