2010 年6月28日
China is a Positive Force for World Prosperity
Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the University of Nottingham
28th June 2010
Professor David Greenaway, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham,
Faculty members and students,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to be on my first visit to the City of Nottingham and your picturesque university, which lives up to its reputation as one of the most beautiful campuses in the UK.
最近英国和中国正同时热映一部电影——《罗宾汉》,据说,这位劫富济贫的绿林好汉当年就活跃在诺丁汉郊外的舍伍德森林里。许多中国观众都被 电影中的旖旎自然风光和浓郁英伦文化所陶醉。我想,你们听了这个消息会很高兴,因为来英国的中国游客数量又要增加了,来诺丁汉大学读书的中国学生也会更多 了。
The recent film Robin Hood has been a big hit with audiences both in China and here in the UK. The story as I am sure you know, is about a man who robbed from the rich to give to the poor, while living in Sherwood Forest on the outskirts of Nottingham. But it has been as much about the stunning natural beauty and rich British culture depicted in the film, which has fascinated a lot of Chinese viewers. I believe this is great news for you, as Nottingham should expect to receive more visitors from China, and University of Nottingham will be home to more Chinese Students.
创建于1881年的诺丁汉大学,是英国排名前十的高等学府。2003年,诺丁汉大学同时产生了两位诺贝尔奖获得者,一时传为佳话。诺丁汉大 学的校训是“城市建于智慧”(A City is Built on Wisdom.)。的确,一流大学是杰出城市的坚强后盾,既作为经济增长的发动机,又充当城市的思想库。这不由得使我想起正在举办的上海世博会的主题—— 城市让生活更美好(Better city, better life.)。两者相映成趣。
Founded in 1881, the University of Nottingham is amongst the top 10 institutions of higher learning in the UK. People won't forget that in 2003 alone, two Nobel Prize winners were Nottingham graduates.
诺丁汉大学不仅以深厚学术研究著称,还以学校的国际化闻名,特别是与中国具有很密切的联系和合作。目前诺丁汉大学本部的中国学生超过 1300名;创建于2004年的诺丁汉大学中国校区,即宁波诺丁汉大学是中国第一家引进世界优质高教资源的中外合作大学;诺丁汉大学的当代中国研究中心在 欧洲处于领先水平;诺丁汉大学与复旦大学合办的孔子学院持续发展。我知道,你们都担心我忘了还有最重要的一项,那就是你们来自中国的名誉校长——杨福家教 授。
Apart from its intellectual excellence, the University of Nottingham is also famous in China for its close ties and cooperation with my country. Over 1,300 Chinese students currently studying at its UK campuses. Even more importantly, with the setting up of the Ningbo campus in 2004, Nottingham became the first foreign university to establish an independent campus in China. There are other factors as well. The School of Contemporary Chinese Studies is a leading institution of China studies in Britain. The Confucius Institute jointly run by the University of Nottingham and Fudan University has been doing well. All this has been achieved through the hard work of many, not least your Chancellor – Professor Yang Fujia.