



一、 概说

所谓存在句,就是指表示某处存在有某人或某物的一类句型,这类句型的典型结构是there be…这类表达,所以存在句在通常情况下指的就是there be句型。如:

There is a garden at the back of the house. 房子背后有一座花园。

There are fewer boys than girls in my class. 我班上男生比女生少。

there be句型中的there为引导词,无词义;be为谓语动词,根据情况可以有单复数的变化,也可以有不同的时态变化;there be后面的名词为句子主语。


There are not enough people to do the job. 干这工作人手不够。

There are a lot of things I’d like to ask you. 有好些事我想问你的。

There are other ways of doing this exercise. 还有别的办法做这个练习。

这几个句子中的there be句型并不具体表明某处存在有某事物,可视为there be句型基本结构的延伸用法。

二、there be的谓语问题

1. 主谓一致:若there be只有一个主语,谓语的数则取决于该主语的数;若有几个主语并列,则通常是与靠近的主语保持一致。如:

There is a bus stop close to the school. 在学校附近有一个公共汽车站。

There are hairs on your jacket. 你的上衣上有几根头发。

There is a pen and some books on the desk. 桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。

2. 时态问题:there be结构的时态由其中的谓语动词be来体现,它可以有一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、现在完成时以及过去完成时等多种时态形式。如:

There was a hospital nearby. 附近有一家医院。

There has been no rain this week. 这个星期一直没下雨。

There will be something you can enjoy. 会有你喜欢的东西。

3. 连用情态动词:there be结构有时可以与情态动词连用,此时情态动词应放在there与be之间。如:

There must be a mistake. 一定是弄错了。

There can’t be anyone waiting outside. 不会有人在外面等候。

There might still be hope. 可能还有希望。

4. there be的变体:有时根据句子的需要,我们也可将there be中的动词be 换为 live, remain, seem, appear, exist, stand, lie, come等。如:

There comes a bus. 来了一辆公共汽车。

There remained just thirty pounds. 只剩30英镑了。

There seems to be something wrong here. 这儿好像有点不大对劲。

At the top of the hill there stands an old temple. 在小山顶上有一座古庙。


1. 否定式:there be结构的否定式通常应将否定词置于动词be之后。如:

There is not any bread left. 没有一点面包了。

There isn’t anything I can do for you. 我帮不了你什么忙。


There can’t be so many mistakes. 不可能有那么多错误。

There shouldn’t be any doubt about it. 对此不应有什么怀疑。

There haven’t been any parties in weeks. 好几个礼拜没开过晚会了。

2. 疑问式:there be结构的疑问式通常应将否定词置于动词be之后。如:

Is there any good film on? 映什么好电影吗?

Is there room for me in the car? 车子里还有我坐的地方吗?

Are there any letters for me? 有我的信吗?


Has there been an accident? 出事了吗?

Have there been any new developments? 有什么新的发展吗?

Can there have been so much rain there?那儿会下过那么多雨吗?

