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( )1.He points _____his neck.  A. on B.at C. in  

( )2.He _________ the windows now.  A. cleans B.cleaning C.is cleaning  

( )3.He is waiting for _____in the library.  A.me B.I C.my  

( )4.How many ______can you see ?  A.bird B.birds C. some birds  

( )5.He is _____some juice in the fridge, but he can’t _____ it.  A. looking for ; find B. look for ; find C. find ; look for  

( )6.Is there ____apple juice in the fridge ?  A. some B. any C. a lot  

( )7.You should ______some medicine and have a good rest.  A. took B.are taking C. take  

( )8.I like eating meat _____potatoes.  A. in B. on C. with  

( )9.I’m happy _____ see them.  A. to B.or C. in  

( )10.Let’s ____ to the cinema.  A. go B.going C.are going  


( ) 1.如果你想了解别人是干什么的,你可以问:  A. Who are you? B. What do you like? C. What do you do?  

( ) 2. 你在问别人问题之前,你可以有礼貌地说:  A. I’m sorry. B. Excuse me. C. Can you help me?

( ) 3. 别人对你表示感谢,你可以回答:  A. You’re welcome. B. Don’t thank me. C. All right.  

( ) 4. 如果你想了解别人最喜欢吃什么,你可以问:  A. What do you like? B. What’s your favourite food? C. Do you like this?  

( ) 5. 如果你想了解今天的天气怎么样,你可以问:  A. What day is it today? B. What time is it? C. What’s the weather like today?  

( ) 6. 如果你想了解今天是几月几日,你应该问:  A. What is the date today? B. What day is it today? C. What is it?  

( ) 7. 如果你想问别人会做什么,你可以问:  A. What do you do? B. What are you doing? C. What can you do?  

( ) 8. 如果你想了解别人的房间是怎么样的,你可以问:、  What’s your room? B. What’s your room like? C. Where’s your room?  

( ) 9. 妈妈称赞你说:You’re so helpful,你应该回答:  A. You’re welcome. B. I’m not helpful. C. Thank you.  

( ) 10. 如果你想问别人星期一上什么课, 你可以问:  A. What do you do on Monday? B. What would you like on Monday?  What do you have on Mondays?  

( ) 11.打电话时如果想知道对方是谁,应该问:  A. Who are you? B. Who’s that? C. Who’s this?  

( ) 12. 在电话中介绍自己似乎谁,你可以说:  A. I am Peter. B. My name is Peter. C. This is Peter.  

( ) 13. 如果你想和李先生通电话,你可以说:  Hello. May I speak to Mr. Li? B. Where is Mr. Li, please?  Who is Mr. Li?  

( ) 14. 如果你想了解对方在做什么, 你可以问:  A. What are you? B. Where are you? C. What are you doing?  

( ) 15. 如果你想了解别人爸爸的身体情况,你可以问:  A. How is your father? B. What is your father doing? C. What is your father?  

( ) 16.如果你想夸那个男孩很可爱,你可以说:  A. The boy is kind. B. The boy is active. C. The boy is cute.  

( ) 17. 如果你想问他们经常做什么,你可以问:  A. What do they often do? B. What are they doing? C. What can they do?  

( ) 18. 如果你想问别人借故事书,你可以问:  A. Where is your story-book? B. May I have a look at your story-book?  I want to read a story-book.  

( ) 19. 如果你想要别人描述一下校长的样子,你可以说:  A. Who’s your principal? B. What’s your principal?  What’s your principal like?  

( ) 20. 如果你想问别人几点起床,你可以问:  A. What time do you get up? B. Why do you get up? C. How do you get up?  

( ) 21. 如果你想了解John在做什么,你应该问:  A. What can John do? B. What is John doing? C. What does John do?  

( ) 22. 如果你想要别人告诉你,你可以说:  A. May you speak to me? B. Say me. C. Tell me, please.

( ) 23. 如果你告诉别人到了走的时间了,你应该说:  A. Let’s go. B. Can you go now? C. It’s time to go.  

( ) 24. 你告诉别人你正过来,你应该说:  A. I’m coming. B. I am here. C. Let me come.  

( ) 25. 你让别人过来看一看,你可以说:  A. Let me see. B. You can see. C. Come and have a look 

