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下星期一我们一起去爬山吧。Let’s_______ ________ next Sunday.  

我周末有时去看望祖父母。Sometimes I _______ my ________ on the weekend.  

我最喜欢冬天,因为可以堆雪人。I like winter, because I can _______ a _________.  

有年有四季 There _____ four ________ in a year.  

我们通常在8:30做早操。  We usually____ morning ________ at 8:30.  

五月一日是劳动节。  ________ 1st is Labour _________.  

她的生日是在六月吗?  Is ______ birthday in __________?  

我妈妈的生日在七月。 My ______ birthday is in ________.  

他们经常在三月去远足。 They often go _______ in ________.  

秋季是我最喜爱的季节。 _______ is my favourtie _________.  

你爸爸在接电话。 Your dad _____ ________ the phone.  

他正在写电子邮件吗? Is he ________ an __________?  

我在画画。 I am ________ __________.  

你的爷爷奶奶在干什么呀? What___ your grandparents ______?  

我妈妈正在打扫房间。 My mom is _______ the _______.  

他们正在爬树。 They are _______ _________.  

大象正在喝水。 The elephants are_______ ________.  

狮子们正在打架吗? __________ the lions __________?  

老虎们不在睡觉。 The tigers ________ __________.  

袋鼠在做什么? What ____ the kangaroos ______?  

他们正在抓蝴蝶。 They’re _________ __________.  

比尔表哥在下棋吗? _______ Cousin Bill _______ chess?  

他们在公园里观察昆虫。 They’re ______ _______ in the park.  

那些小蜜蜂在吃蜜糖吗? ______ the bees _______ the honey?  

你能写这份报告吗? ________ you ________ this report?  


A: I like fall _______.  

B: ________?  

A: It’s sunny and windy. I can fly _____. _______ is your favourite season?  

B: Summer. _______ I can swim in summer.  

A: ______ are you doing?  

B: I’m sending Uncle Bill an e-mail.  

A: _______ is Uncle Bill’s birthday?  

B: It’s in October.  

A: What’s the _______?  

B: October 5th.  

A: Dose he _______ a computer?  

B: Oh, no.  

A: Then let’s make a ________ card for Uncle Bill.  

A: Hi, Mike. _____ is John. What are you doing?  

B: I’m ________ to music. What about you?  

A: I’m ________ computer games.  

B: Do you want to____ hiking this weekend.  

A: Sure. What _______?  

B: 8:30 this Sunday. Let’s meet at our school  

A: OK. See you then.  

B: Bye.  

A: What animal do you see, Jane?  

B: I can’t see ______. Where are the animals?  

A: Let me ____ a look. Here ___ two horses.  

B: What are they _______?  

A: They are _______ to us.  

B: Really? Do they run fast?  

A: Yes! Watch out!  

A: ______ is Miss Chen?  

B: She’s ______ her bedroom.  

A: Is she _______ computer games?  

B: No, she _______.  

A: What’s she doing?  

B: She’s ______ an E-mail.





