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(   )15. We’ll always ______ friends.       A. be     B. is     C. are

Ⅵ. 根据语境提示,用词汇的适当形式补全下列句子。(每空1分,共10分)

1. There are some _________ _________(乌云) in the sky.

2. Mum bought a new _________(杯子) for me yesterday.

3. I like __________(旅行), and I’m going to __________(旅行) this summer holiday.

4. My father will ________(飞) to Shanghai tomorrow.

5. I’ll ________(保留) it forever.

6. That’s a ___________(极好的) idea.

7. Best ________(祝愿) to you!

8. Six years ago, we spoke only very _________(极少量的) English.



(  )1. How much is it?

(  )2. What did you do last Sunday?

(  )3. How will you go to your new school?

(  )4. Can I help you?

(  )5. Where are you going this summer?


1. In this photo, the sun is __________.

The birds ______________ in the trees.

2. A: ________ are you wearing a raincoat?

B: Because it’s __________ rain.

Kb  1.C om

3. A: How many hours did Yang Liwei spend in space?

B: ________ _______ about ___________ hours in space.

4. I’m very sad _______ _______ goodbye to you.

Ⅷ.情景交际。选择恰当的句子补全对话, 只填序号。(每题2分,共10分)

Simon: What a great book! _________________

Daming:Your mum gave it to me._________________

Simon: What’s it about?

Daming: _______________ There are many pictures of

spaceships from China, Russia and the US.

Simon: China?

Daming: Yes!____________________

Simon: Really? I want to read about that.

Daming: Let’s read it together! ___________________


A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

Hi, my name is Lilin . I’m Chinese, but I live in England. I speak English very well, but sometimes I make mistakes. Last Sunday we went to visit a farm. I was very excited. I told my friends I wanted to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised and laughed a lot. My teacher said, “There are no ships on the farm.” Oh ! I made a mistake. I wanted to say “sheep”, not “ship”. I was so shy. It was very funny. We all laughed.

1. (    ) Lilin lives in China.

2. (    ) Sometimes Lilin makes mistakes with English words.

3. (    ) Lilin went to the sea.

4. (    ) There were ships on the farm.

5. (    ) Lilin wanted to say ”sheep”.

