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(    )           (     )           (    )          (    )

Ⅲ.听对话,选答语。将正确答案序号填在括号内。 (每题2分,共10分)

(   )1. When are they going to eat?

A. At twelve o’clock.   B. At half past eleven.   C. At half past twelve.

(   )2. Can Simon help his mum?

A. Yes, he can.        B. No, he can’t.        C. We don’t know.

(   )3. What’s the book about?

A. Spaceships.        B. Shenzhou V.         C. Space.

(   )4. Where is Lingling going?

A. To the library.      B. To the museum.      C. To the supermarket.

(   )5. What’s Tom’s favourite sport?

A. Football.         B. Baseball.           C. Basketball.


(    )  1. Helen Keller was born in 1890 in America.

(    )  2. Helen Keller couldn’t see or hear.

(    )  3. It’s easy for Helen Keller to learn.

(    )  4. “Happy” was Helen’s first word.

(    )  5. Helen Keller couldn’t write books.

(    )  6. Helen Keller is a model for blind people.



(   )1. The hot dog ________good. I want to eat a hot dog.

A. looks         B.look         C. looking

(   )2. Look at the ducks. _____are eating our sandwiches.   A.We  B.You  C.They

(   )3. I took some _____. They are very beautiful.   A. photos  B. photo  C. photoes

(   )4. The oranges are falling ______ the stairs.     A. on     B. down   C. over

(   )5. ---_____are we going to swim?  --- At two o’clock.

A. Where      B.Who       C.When

(   )6. He is playing the erhu, ______ the bell rings.   A. and  B. but    C. so

(   )7. Everyone ________the dog is very clever.   A. say    B. says   C. said

(   )8. My brother is interested __________ collecting stamps.

A. at        B. in       C. on

(   )9. How did Helen Keller learn______and write?  A. read  B. to read  C. reading

(   )10. I ______ two hours in the library yesterday.   A.spend   B.spends   C.spent

(   )11.---Why are you________?  ---It’s very funny.

A. laugh       B. laughing     C. laughs

(   )12. Yesterday I ______my flute to school, but today I didn’t______ it.

A. bring, brought   B. brought , bring   C.  brought , brought

(   )13. Good luck_______ the future!   A. for    B. on    C. of

(   )14. We’re going to middle school in _______September.  A. a    B. the   C. /

