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B. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Lu Ban. Lu Ban wanted to be a carpenter(木匠). So he said goodbye to his parents and left home to find a teacher. He walked and walked. He was very tired, but he didn’t stop. He saw a very high mountain. He climbed and climbed. It was very dangerous, but he didn’t stop. Finally, he found a good teacher. The teacher told him to clean his tools(工具)for seven days and make one thousand holes in some wood. Lu Ban did everything the teacher said. The teacher was very satisfied(满意的)and taught him how to be a good carpenter. Lu Ban stayed for three years with his teacher. Then he became a great carpenter. He is famous all over China till today.

1.  Lu Ban was a ________.     A. teacher     B. driver     C. carpenter

2.  It was ________ for Lu Ban to find a good teacher.  A. easy  B. hard   C. funny

3.  Lu Ban cleaned the tools for _______.

A. seven days     B. two weeks     C. five hours

4.  Lu Ban stayed for _______ with his teacher.

A. one year        B. two years      C. three years

5.  Did the teacher like Lu Ban?

A. Yes, he did.    B. No, he didn’t.   C. We don’t know.












Ⅰ. 听音,找出句子中含有的单词,将序号写在前面的括号内。

1、It looks like you’re going to stay hungry, Simon.

2、In Dalian, it will be sunny.

3、The train will arrive at the station at 10 o’clock.

4、Grab the balloons! They’re flying away.

5、We’re going to have a baseball team.

6、I’m scared because there is a snake.

Ⅱ. 听音,标号。用数字标出图片的先后顺序。

1、There is a cup on the cap.

2、They made a model of a Chinese spaceship.

3、He is eating dinner, but the bell rings.

4、Helen Keller was born in the US.

5、Naughty ducks! They’re eating our sandwiches.

6、I want some meat.

7、Tomorrow, it will be windy in Beijing.

8、I’m on a train and I’m looking out of the window.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选答语。将正确答案序号填在括号内。

1、Boy: I’m hungry. When are we going to eat, mum?

Mum: At half past twelve.

Question: When are they going to eat?

2、Mum: Simon, can you help me? I can’t carry all these things.

Simon: Sorry mum, I’m on the phone.

Question: Can Simon help his mum?

3、Daming: Look, I’ve got a new book.

Lingling: Wow, it’s about spaceships. I’m interested in it.

Question: What’s the book about?

