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一、 阅读句子,根据所给的中文在空格中填上单词的适当形式,每空一词(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

1. New York and London are in different c______________.  (国家)

2. The art room is on the _________ floor. (二)

3. This sweater is much ______________ than that one. (大)

4. Tom’s hair is shorter than ____________ (她的).

5. I will call __________ later. (他)

6. My dad ______________ me a new computer last week. (买)

7. Listen!Someone is __________ in the classroom. (唱歌)

8. ___________ father works in a computer company. (玛丽)

9. How many ______________ are there on the table? (小刀)

10. Today is my ________________ birthday. (十二)

二、 单项选择,并把答案的字母编号写在括号里。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

(    ) 1. There ______ two pieces of bread on the table.

A. is        B.  are         C. be        D.have

(    ) 2. Mary and Sarah like playing _______ volleyball.

A. a        B. an          C. the        D.

(    ) 3. Tom can _________ Chinese well.

A.talk         B. say          C. speak        D.listen

(    ) 4. Amy likes Harry Potter.It’s _________ favourite film.

A. she        B.  her         C.  hers       D. she’s

(    ) 5. ---Would you like to go to the cinema with Betty and me?   --- ____________.

A.I am busy.  B. That’s a great idea! C.That’s OK. D.I don’t like to go to the cinema.

(    ) 6. ---How does your father play basketball?--- _________.

A. Very good.      B. Very nice.     C. Very well.     D. Very beautiful.

(    ) 7. There are some _________ on the playground.

A. boy       B. girl         C.  student        D. children

(    ) 8. The tiger eats meat and the panda eats__________.

A. grass       B.  fish        C.  bamboo      D. carrots

(    ). 9. I have a new dress _________ my birthday party.

A. of       B.  to        C.  for        D. at

(    ) 10.Beijing Olympic Game will begin in ________________.

A. May       B. June         C.  July        D.  August

(    ) 11. Jim helped me carry the box.I am very grateful _________ him.

A. at      B. for      C.  to       D. of

(    ) 12. Where______ the women from?

A. do       B. does      C. are        D. is

(    ) 13. Can you teach me_____________________?

A. what play golf  B. what to play golf  C. how to play golf   D. how play golf

(    ) 14.One of ___________ works in Jianlibao Company.

A. they       B.his friend       C. we        D. his uncles

