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(    ) 8. A. before  B. past  C. later  D. after

(    ) 9. A. makes  B. made  C. making  D. make

(    )10. A. it  B. them  C. films  D. that


Mr and Mrs King don’ t often go out in the evening. But today Mrs King says to her husband, “There is a good film at the cinema this evening. Can we go and see it?” Mr King is happy about it. So they go to see the good film. They have a good time.

They come out of the cinema at eleven o’clock. They get into their car and drive  home. It is very dark. Mrs King says, “Look ,Bill.A woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her. Can you see them?” Mrs King said, “Yes I can.” They drive the car slowly near the woman and says to her.” Can we help you ?” “No, thanks.” the woman says,but she does not stop running. “My husband and I always run home after the cinema, and the last  one washes the dishes at home!”

(      )1.M r and Mrs King go out one evening because __________

A.they do not often go out               B.they want to see a film

C.they want to drive                    D.they like to run home

(      )2.__________like the film.

A.Mr King  B.Mrs King   C.The Kings (both A and B)  D.Everyone

(      )3.Mrs King wants to __________.

A.help the woman  B.drive the car slowly  C.run on the road   D.looks at the woman

(      )4. The woman __________.

A.wants to get help B.runs for fun C.doesn’t want to do the washing D.wants to wash dishes

(      )5. Mr and Mrs King __________ give help.

A.Must     B.can     C.is afraid of     D.don’t have to





