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The Forbidden City usually shows its fantastic and mysterious face. But recently, with some fun and creative products, the Forbidden City has changed its image and made history more inviting to young people.

Cute dolls

With bean-shaped eyes and a round face, a series of small, cute dolls catch people’s hearts. There are different characters from emperors (皇帝) and empresses to princes and princesses, even ministers like He Shen and Ji Xiaolan. You can buy them from souvenir shops at the museum in Beijing or online.

Emperor’s One Day

Emperor’s One Day is an app (手机应用程序). In the app, you can be the emperor for one day. A little lion guides you to learn about the emperor’s life. The emperor usually gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning. At around 8 a.m., he starts working by reading letters from his ministers and having a meeting with them. The emperor usually has only two main meals a day. When he has time, he likes watching Peking Opera or local operas to relax.

Fun facts about the Forbidden City

•The Forbidden City is the world’s largest palace complex, with more than 9,000 rooms. Chinese people traditionally think of “9”

as the luckiest number among 1 to 10. Emperors love the number.

•Most buildings here are painted yellow and red. The red stands for happiness and yellow stands for earth.

61. The dolls catch people’s hearts because they are ________.

A. tall    B. strong    C. cute    D. different

62. According to the app, we know the emperor usually relaxes himself by ________.

A. having a meeting      B. reading letters

C. listening to music      D. watching operas

63. From the passage, we can know the emperor usually has ________ main meals a day.

A. two    B. three    C. five    D. eight

64. Most buildings here are painted yellow and red because ________.

A. the red stands for earth and yellow stands for happiness

B. the red stands for happiness and yellow stands for earth

C. the red is very beautiful and the yellow is quite special

D. the yellow is very beautiful and the red is quite special

65. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We can’t buy the dolls on the Internet.

B. The dolls are only about the emperors.

C. The emperor usually gets up early in the morning.

D. Many emperors think of “8” as the luckiest number.

