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I.(A) 听对话,选图片(5分)(每段对话读两遍,每个问题读两遍。)

(B)听对话,选答案 (5分)(你将听到两段对话,每段对话读两遍。)


6.Where does this dialogue probably take place?

A. In a bank.                   B. In a library .           C. In a cinema .

7.How often does the woman have a run ?

A. Nearly sixteen times a month.   B. Four times a month.    C. Once a week.


8.Where did the man go ?

A. To the library .               B. To the post office .       C. To the chemistry lab.

9.What was the money on the desk used to do ?

A. To buy some English books .

B. To buy some envelopes and stamps .

C. To buy some notebooks and bottles.

10.Why couldn’t the woman go there herself ?

A. Because it was too far away .

B. Because she was busy at that time .

C. Because she was tied of doing that .

(C) 听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)(短文读两遍)

11. When did the first laughter club open?

A. In 1996.                 B.In 1995.               C.In 1994.

12. Where did the man who opened the first laughter club come from?

A.India.                   B. America.              C. England.

13. Who is Steve Wilson?

A. The man who opened the first laughter club.

B. The scientist who discovered that laughter is good for he alth.

C. The man who took the laughter club to America

14. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. On Monday morning. B. On Tuesday morning. C. On Tuesday afternoon.

15. How many laughter clubs are there around the world?

A. Less than 500.       B. More than 1000.     C. About 100.

(D)听短文,选择最佳答案(5 分)(短文读两遍) 。

16. How many meals do many English people have a day?

A. Three.                 B. Four.           C. More than four.

17. What do English people have for their breakfast?

A. Meat and fish.          B. Hamburgers.    C. Porridge, eggs , bread, tea or coffee.

3. What time do English people have lunch?

A.AT 1:00.                B. At seven.        C. At any time from 11:00 to 12:00.

4. Which of the following people don't eat for their dinner?

A.Vegetables.             B. Meat and fish.    C. Bananas and a pples.

5. When do some of the English people have dinner?

A. In the morning.        B. In the afternoon.   C. In the evening.


21. — I heard you bought       new pen.

— Look! This is        pen I bought yesterday.

A. a; a        B the; the        C. a; the        D. the; a

22. — Jane, look at my new skirt.

— Wonderful! I like      very much, and I’d like to buy       .Would you like to go shopping with me?

A. it; one       B one ; it        C. it; it        D. one; one

23. I won’t go to the party ______ I am invited.

A. after         B. until         C. if          D. unless

24. ___     exciting news! Our English teacher will invite us to KFC if we get go od grades in the exam

A. How an       B. How       C. What a       D. What

25. I’m afraid you can’t buy anything here because ______ of the shops are open at the moment.

A. none         B. some       C. any           D. all

26. — Excuse me, where can I park my car?

— Drive ahead, and you will see the sign____ on your right.

A.           B                C              D

27. — Didn’t you visit  Hu Shan Great Wall?

—        . I’ll visit it this summer .

A. Yes, I did .      B. No, I didn’t.     C. Yes, I didn’t.     D. No, I did.

28.There are so many foggy days these days. We wonder _____.

A. how is the air polluted            B. what can we do to stop the bad weather

C. why the air is polluted so seriously  D. What are the real reasons

29. — Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick ki ds this afternoon?

