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B: Pause after an important point. A: People are kept   95  and can fully understand you.

B; The atmosphere in the audience will be changed.


Chinatown is the name given to an area in the middle of London. It is just between Leicester Square and Shaftsbury Avenue. Gerrard Street is at the center and is the most important street in the area. There is a large Chinese community (社区) with a lot of Chinese restaurants, Chinese supermarkets and shops in this street.

In the 1950s, it was a poor area and everything was very cheap. At the same time, the world rice market changed and thousands of farm workers in Hong Kong lost their jobs. They began arriving in London to look for work. They found jobs in the restaurants in this area. Many British people liked Chinese food, and the restaurants were popular.

These restaurant workers often worked 17 hours a day and had no time to learn English. As more Chinese arrived, more shops and businesses grew up. Wives came and joined their husbands and children came and joined their fathers. The community grew, and Chinatown was born.

In the 1970s and 1980s, British-born Chinese started to have a better education and this brought economic (经济的) success to the area. Many families moved out of Chinatown, and there was more space  for businesses. Gerrand Street became a street only for visitors and was soon a popular place for tourists.

Now everyone knows about London's Chinatown. During the Chinese New Year, the streets are seen with flags and thousands of Chinese go into the streets. For most of the year, though, Londoners and tourists go there mainly for the food in the Chinese restaurants. The best restaur ants are the ones where the Chinese eat.

96. Is this Chinatown in the middle of London?

97. Was the area rich or poor in the 1950s?

98. Why did the restaurant workers have no time to learn English?

99. When did British-born Chinese start to have a better education?

100. What are the main points about Chinatown in this passage?


( A )根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将其答案填在答题纸的相应位置上。(共16分,局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每小题2分)


I like Chinese food, because it _________________.


They ______________school because of the heavy traffic yesterday.


When t o have a picnic ________________the weather condition.


His father can           _____.


He doesn’t know _____________ the customers well.


Do you think ____________ in ten years?






( B )阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文,并将其答案填在答题纸的相应位置上。(共4分,每小题2分)

With the development of our country, more and more people have cars. Many of them are businesspeople. They often take part in many kinds of parties. They drink at the parties and after that they drive.112. Many accidents happen because the drivers drink. In our country, it's not allowed to drive after drinking. Some drivers will even be sent into prison(监狱)if he drinks. 113.For our safety, I hope every driver must remember: Never drive after you drink and never drink if you drive.



假如你是Jim,到Kate 家还她的字典,她不在,你准备明天带到学校给她,请写一张留言条,说明情况。

(B)115. 根据要求完成大作文。词数:60——80字(15分)

科技的发展给我们的生活带来了日新月异的变化,尤其是智能手机(smart phones)的出现,把人们都变成了拇指一族,中学生也迷恋智能手机,这自然会影响他们的学习和生活。以Advantages and disadvantages of smart phones 为题,从你作为学生的角度列举智能手机给中学生的生活带来的利与弊。


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