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A.                           B.                       C.


5. Where is Jim now?

A. In China.  B. In Australia.  C. In America.

6. Who will help the girl?

A. Nobody.  B. Mr. Su.  C. The boy.

7. Which kind of music does the man prefer?

A. Loud music.  B. Quiet music.  C. Pop music.

8. What does the man want to do?

A. Go surfing.  B. Go fishing.  C. Go boating.

9. Why do the speakers want to open the window?

A. It’s too dark.  B. It’s too hot.  C. It’s too cool.

10. What did the girl think of the movie?

A. Terrible.  B. Boring.  C. Wonderful.

11. How long has Jessica lived here?

A. For two years.  B. For eight years.  C. For ten years.

12. How can the man get to the airport?

A. By car.  B. By bus.  C. By plane.

13. When will Bob get to Amy’s home?

A. At 10:00.  B. At 10:20.  C. At 11:20.

14. What would the girl do if she saw a traffic accident?

A. Ask friends for help.

B. Tell the teacher about it.

C. Call the police.



15. What kind of movies are they talking about?

A. An action movie.  B. A comedy.  C. A fiction (虚构的) movie.

16. What did the woman think of the movie?

A. Wonderful.  B. Great.  C. Awful.

17. Who was busy laughing all the time?

A. The woman.  B. The man.  C. Nobody.


18. What should a monitor do?

A. Help to organize activities for the class.

B. Make a lot of friends.

C. Collect old books and bottles.

19. What did Jenny do to help herself reach her aim?

A. She made a wonderful speech.

B. She held a party at her home.

C. She gave away some money to the poor.

20. Who became the monitor in the end?

A. Jenny B. Bruce.  C. Jane



21. —What do you want to be in the future, Lucy?

—I want to be ________ policeman. It is ________ exciting job.

A. a; a B. a; an C. a; the D. the; an

22. He was born in Italy, but he has made China his ________.

A. family B. address C. house D. home

23. Did you know that the earth is home to ________ animals?

A million B. millions C. million of  D. millions of

24.—Look, ________ is dancing under the tree.

—Oh, that’s my cousin, Anna.

A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. something

