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Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you are studying. But unluckily, most students don’t know how to take notes.

If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that’s great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. Different teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may focus on(关注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat them.

Don’t try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.

Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you’re missed. If your teacher speaks too fast and you can’t follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class.

Comparing your notes with your classmates’ can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.

Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every evening, you’ll surely have less time to watch TV. But you’ll save time in the coming test.

76. Note-taking can help you do well in all your schoolwork and _________ when you

are studying.

77. Some teachers may repeat the important facts instead of _________.

78. If you miss some important points or can’t follow your teacher in class, don’t

_________ to ask him or just compare your notes with classmates.

79. Surely, you will_________ to watch TV if you decide to recopy your notes every evening.

80. This passage mainly tells students how they can_________



Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their h    81   was to perform one act of random(任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the assignment(任务), but the professor would not answer their questions. He e    82   his students to find it out for themselves.

One week later, the students entered the classroom excited to s    83  their stories. One student told of distributing(分发) blankets to the homeless, another had contacted (联系)a long, lost friend, and another student r   84   that he had helped a dog to find its owner. Students were energized(激励) by the homework assignment and wanted other people to be kind too. W   85  the support of local businesses, the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something k  86 for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind –not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.

Since then, s   87  kindness activities have been organized in schools all over the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, a   88   November 13, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform

D  89  kind acts, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community (社团)service, or raising money for a charity. Students learn to c   90   other people and think about how small actions can make the world a better place.


91. 在家庭里、在社会中,只要我们从自身做起,我们的行为就可以为实现和谐社会(harmonious society)起到推进作用。你们学校的English Newsletter正在以Doing Our Part(从自身做起)为题举行征文活动,请根据下面提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。

行    为 作    用

在家庭里 (1) 帮助父母做家务事

(2)和父母多交流 (1) 让父母不太累

(2) ……

在社会中 (3)不乱扔垃圾


(4) …… (3) 使环境美化

(4) ……

(5) ……






Doing Our Part

We have grown up and it’s time for us to do something for our family and society. At home, _______________________________________________________________________






