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W: Seat 14A is right here. You may take your seat. I will put your bag above.

M: Thank you, Miss. You’ll offer supper on the plane, won’t you?

W: Yes, sir. I’ll bring you a menu shortly after we take off.

M: That would be nice. By the way, how long will this flight last?

W: It will last three hours. Now it’s six o’clock p.m. We’ll arrive in Chicago around nine.

M: Great! I will arrive in Chicago in three hours and in one more hour I’ll be at home.


M: Welcome to Beijing Tasty Restaurant. What can I do for you?

W: Will you please show me a table beside the window?

M: Sorry, there are no table beside the window, only one table in the center.

W: In the center? OK.

M: This way, please.

W: Thank you.

M: Here’s th e menu. Could I take your order?

W: Yes. I’d like chicken, fish, some vegetables, two cokes and two bowls of rice.

M: Is that all? We have Beijing Duck. It’s so delicious. Would you like to have a try?

W: All right.

M: OK. Your food will be ready in a minute.

W: No, no, no! I need some time to wait for my friend. Please get my food ready in 20 minutes.

M: No problem.



One day, Mrs. Brown saw a beautiful sweater in a clothing shop. She liked it very much, so she wanted to buy it at once. But she didn’t bring enough money with her. Then she went back home and told her husband that she wanted to buy the sweater. But her husband said she had so many different kinds of sweaters that she didn’t need to buy another one.

The next day, she told her husband that she still wanted to buy the sweater. The third day, she said the same thing. After a week, her husband agreed that she could buy the sweater. When they went to the clothing shop, the sweater was still there. But, to her husband’s surprise, she didn’t want to buy it any more. “The others don’t want to but the sweater, I don’t want to buy, either.” she said.



1-6:CBBCBC    7-12:CBBCAA  13-16:CACA          17-20:ACAC

II.单选21-25 BCACB     26-30 DACBD     31-35 CCABC      36-40 BBBDB

III 完型填空 41-45 BBDAC    46-50 ACABD

IV阅读理解51-55 BCBBD        56-60 CABAA         61-65 CACCA

V交际用语66-70  CEABF

VI 任务型阅读

71. Yes./ Yes, they do.

72. A hobby. / A hobby is the best way.

73. Three. / 3. 74. Because it is a physical activity and it can teach children about nature.

VII完成句子 75. didn’t use 76. been dead  77. made to 78.  fell asleep 79.No matter

VIII短文填空 80.call   81.talking   82.ill    83.after   84.cried    85.anything   86.From  87.bad





