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1. The accident happened _______ the morning.

I was born _______ the evening of Oct. 1st, 1949.

I got up late _______ this morning.

2. My father will be back ________ two weeks.

I was doing my homework _______ this time yesterday.

I have lived in Beijing _______ I was born.

I have taught in Beijing _______over ten years.

______ the end of last term, we had learned about 2000 words.

3. Have you heard _______ John recently?

Nearly everyone has heard ______ the ghosts, but nobody really heard them.

4. The little boy is _____ ______ danger, but his parents are still ______ danger.

---I am sorry to have put you _______ so much trouble. ---No trouble _______ all.

5. I have no money ______ me, so I can’t lend any ______ you.

He wants to borrow some money _______ me.

You had better return the money _______ me this afternoon.

6. Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan.

Nobody agreed _______ what I had said.

We finally agreed _______ the date for the meeting.

7. The man ______ black and ______ a fan in the right hand is our English teacher.

8. We can’t find the entrance ______ the tall building.

Brazil refused to tell us the key ______ her success ______ winning the first prize.

He will pay a visit ______ New York while I will be _______ a visit _______ London.

I can’t find the solution ______ this problem.

Who can tell me the answer ______ this question?

Could you please show me the way _______ the nearest hospital?

I have got two tickets _______ the Bird Nest.

I have got two tickets _______ the football match.

9. Mr. Wang is very kind ______ us and we are very respectful ______ him.

If you are rude ______ your parents, nobody will be respectful ______ you.

Mr. Wang is very amiable _______his students and he is also patient ______ them.

Mr. Wang became angry ______ me ______ my bad behavior.

My father became mad _______ me when I failed the English exam last term.

In the old days the boss were very cruel _______ the workers.

Mr. Wang is always strict ______ us ______ our studies.

10. Edison was very interested ______ science when he was a boy.

I even became uninterested ________ the coming graduation dance.

I am crazy _______ football.

Tom is fond _______ going to the parties.

She doesn’t go ______ ______ team games.

His mother cares _______ nothing but money.

11. Na Han was written ______ Chinese ______ Lu Xun.

12. Don’t spend so much time ______ TV. It’s a waste ______ time.

13. My father paid 10,000 yuan ______ the TV set.

My father spent 10,000 yuan _______ the TV set.

My father bought the TV set _______ 10,000 yuan.

14. I am better than you ______ English while you do better than me ______ Chinese.

Mr. Wang is skilled_______ playing the flute.

Nobody in Mr. Wang’s class is weak ______ English.

A child poor _______ math may be talented for painting.

15. ______ doing we learn.(经一事,长一智)

16. He ran so slowly that he fall far ______ others. He’d better try his best to keep up ______ others.

17. Please learn it ______ heart that you should always learn ______ each other.

18. Wushu is becoming more and more popular ______ foreigners.

19. We should keep everything in our rooms ______ good order.

His books are always _______ apple-pie order.

20. ______ the help of Mr. Wang, I get ______ the difficulty.

It is impossible ______ me to work ______ this difficult math problem ______ your help.

21. Paper is made ______ wood and book is made ______ paper.

Our class is made ______ ______ 39 students.

Nothing can make ______ ______ the time you lose here.

I am sorry for breaking your window glass, I will compensate ______ it.

The kite was make _______ me _______ my grandpa.

22. My uncle lives ______ 109 Beijing Street ______ Haidian District, Beijing, China.

23. His brother have been _______ the army _______ 10 years.

I have taught in Beijing _______ 2003.

The film have been _______ _______ half an hour ago.

Liu Jun has been away _______ China ______ graduated.

24. Taiwan lies ______ the east of China and ______ the south west of Japan.

Korea lies _______ the east of China.

I live near the sea. I often swim _______ the beach in summer.

25. There are many peaches ______ the tree.

The birds are singing ______ the tree.

26. You can go to New York ______sea or ______ air.

27. The teacher wrote ______ chalk on the blackboard, “Please do your homework ______ blue or black ink; don’t do it ______ red ink or pencil.”

In the past people wrote ______ brushes.

We speak _______ our mouths and walk _______ our feet.

He bought the things for the lab______the money he earned.

Mr. Wang will give a speech _______ English tomorrow morning.

28. Mother bought a bike ______ me. I gave it ______ my sister.

“Please show your hands _______ me.” said the teacher.

I make this model plane ______ my son.

In China parents always save money as much as they can _______ their children.

Tom, would you please get a piece of chalk _______ me?

29. Mr. Wang provided me ______ a computer.

= Mr. Wang provided a computer ______ me.

Mr. Wang offered a radio _______ me.

30. Your application _______ the position is _______ consideration.

My father car is _______ repair in the garage.

His suggestion is ______ discussion.

Please be quiet - the examination is now ______ progress.

His motherland is _______ attack.

31. The woman together ______ her children often goes to church on Sunday.

Mr. Wang, along _______ his students, is playing football on the playground.

32. The plane flew ______ the clouds.

There is a bridge ______ the river.

Look! There is a rainbow _______ the top of the hill.

33. The driver driving ______ the front of the car saw a big stone ______ the short distance ahead.

34. It’s very polite ______ you to say good bye to your parents when you leave ______ school.

It’s very important ______ you to finish your homework ______ time.

Set ______ a goal, and go _______ it; you will achieve if _______ time.

35. There is a policeman standing ______ the corner of the street.

The ball is ______ the corner of my room

There is an apple ______ the corner of the table.

In the United States there are people _______ every corner of the world.

The Great Wall is known to the people _______ every corner of the world.

36. Mr. Wang became a famous teacher in Beijing ______ his forties.

Mr. Wang became an English teacher _______ the age of 18.

My aunt is a woman ______ forty, but she looks young ______ her age.

My aunt became a famous doctor _______ her thirties.

37. The population of the world is growing fast. There will not be enough space for people to stand ______

______ the earth.

38. He decided to look ______ the matter ______ his own.

I am looking ______ ______ the Olympic Games in 2008 in Beijing.

The doctor was looking ______ me when the telephone rang.

39. When we walk ______ the streets, we should look out ______ the traffic.

Don’t look out _____ the window! Please look ______ the blackboard and listen _____ the teacher carefully.

You should pay close attention ______ your handwriting.

40. He was so poor that he had no room to live ______ and no friends to talk ______.

I have no paper to write ______ and no pen to write ______.

41. You needn’t look ______ every new word ______ the dictionary while reading ______ the passage.

42. Let’s start our class ______ a song.

______ first they hated each other, but they ended ______ getting married.

43. Congratulate ______ you ______ your success.

Congratulations ______ you ______ your success.

44. He married _______ a film star.

She was married _______ a rich man.

He divorced_______ his wife last year.

He regretted his marriage ______ her.

He regretted his divorce ______ his wife.

45. Beijing is famous ______ the people all over the world ______ her resorts.

Lu Xun is famous ______ a writer.

46. I often go to school ______ bus. But today this morning I went to school ______ my father’s car.

47. ______ all the stars the sun is the nearest ______ us.

Lucy is the tallest _______ our class.

48. Don’t worry, I will take care ______ your car while you leave.

Please look ______ my cat for me while I am away.

Please keep an eye ______ my things while I am not here.

I have been attending ______ my sick mother for two years.

We have been here for a long time, but nobody wait ______ us.

She moved back home to care _______ her elderly parents.

49. I am leaving ______ New York tomorrow.

I am setting ______ ______ New York tomorrow.

We had no sooner set _______ than a thunder storm broke.

Mr. Wang set out ________ journey to visit London last month.

50. I’m very tired ______ politics and I can’t put ______ ______ it.

I am fed ______ ______ politics and I am going to drop it.

I am bored ______ every subjects at school.

She has had the same job for years and be heartily sick _______ it.

51. Mr. Wang often helps me ______ my English. ______ his help I have become good at it.

