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would have failed _______ your help.

52. Thank you very much ______ lending your watch ______ me.

I apologize ______ you ______ my mistakes.

Congratulations, John. I am really happy ______ you.

I am sorry _______ what I have said.

Who can tell me what we learn English ______?

It sounds a great idea. Go ______ it.

53. They fell ______ love _______each other ______ first sight.

Jack lost his heart _______ Jill.

I had a huge crush _______ her.

54. What this _______ English?

What the English _______ this?

55. This question is different ______ that one.

French differs _______ English _______ this respect.

I have a shirt with the same color _______ yours.

It’s all the same _______ me whether we eat now or later.

My teaching style is similar _______ that of most other teachers.

56. I get ______ very well ______ my neighbor.

57. The next morning, the ground was all covered ______ snow.

The books were covered ______ Mr. Wang ______ cloth.

58. Don’t read ______ the sun. It’s bad ______ your eyes.

Teaching is the greatest job ______ the sun.

59. Smoking is harmful ______ your health.

Eating too much is bad ______ your health.

60. It’s too cold. It’s ten degrees centigrade ______ zero.

It’s too hot. It’s nearly 40 degrees centigrade ______ zero.

61. We have friends _________ the world. =

We have friends _________ the world. =

We have friends all ______ the world.

62. I will arrive ______ New York the day ______ tomorrow.

63. ______ my way home, I met an old friend ______ my father’s.

64. If you find ______ the answer, please hands ______!

65. Tom’s favorite subject is Chinese. As ______ me, I like English best.

66. ______ their surprise, Hua Mulan was a girl.

______ John’s joy, he got an A this time.

______ my shame, I didn’t pass the exam.

______ our great disappointment, it rained every day of the trip.

67. It’s easy to get ______ trouble but difficult to get ______ ______ it.

68. Nobody come ______ America in our class.

69. That happened ______ the 1980s.

70. Kate takes ______ her mother.

71. The library is ______ from the bank.

72. We had a good time today ______ ______the rain.

We will go to the cinema ______ Tom because he lost his ticket ______ the cinema.

He is good at physics and chemistry ______ math.

I can do nothing ______ wait.

73. Look, that car is running ______ about 70 miles an hour.

We got the car ______ a very low price.

“I hate English.” He said to me _______ a low voice.

“Nothing will make me turn against my country.” Said Hill _______ a loud voice.

74. The shop reduced the price of the TV sets ______ 15%.

What’s the time ______ your watch?

In China workers get paid ______ the month while in England workers are paid ______ the hour.

75. Linda prefer Chinese tea ______ nothing in it ______ black coffee.

76. Why is the little girl ______ tears?

77. His girlfriend is blind ______ the left eye, lame ______ the right leg and deaf ______ both ears. But he love her ______ the bottom of his heart.

78. If you don’t believe it’s raining now, come here and see ______ yourself.

Your son is so young that you can’t leave him ______ himself.

79. Linda ran ______ the others, and she was the first to pass the finishing line.

80. I saw the great changes ______ my own eyes.

In 2008 I got a house ______ my own.

I always do my homework ______ my own.

81. Kate, we’ve run _______ _______ salt. Please go and buy some.

I used _______ my ink. Could you please lend me some?

The gasoline in my car has given _______.

The sun gives _______ light and heat.

82. The kite flew so high that it was soon ______ ______sight.

______ ______ sight, ______ ______ mind.

Don’t look ______ ______ the window while listening to the teacher.

He did that _______ _______ greed.

The boys had no money, so it was _______ _______ the question for them to go to the movies.

His honesty is _______ question: nobody can doubt it.

They went _______ _______ their way to help us.

83. Ampere worked _______ the problem for a long time, but he couldn’t worked it _______.

Mike works _______ an English teacher in our school.

Han Mei works hard _______ all her subjects.

He was working _______ a machine when I came in.

84. There is a hut _______ the end of the road.

He fulfill hill dream _______ the end.

We had learnt 4000 words _______ the end of last term.

At 4 o’clock the meeting came _______ an end.

The meeting ended _______ a quarrel.

He did many bad deeds and ended _______ being sentenced to death.

85. I agree with you _______ a certain degree.

86. I was surprised _______ what I saw.

_______ my surprise Tom was a spy.

He stared _______ me _______ surprise.

87. I always do my homework _______ my own.

This is the watch _______ my own. I bought it last month. It’s not yours.

I saw the accident _______ my own eyes.

88. ---You know, Bob is a little slow _______ understanding, so…

---So I have to be patient ______ him. (05重庆)

89.We hadn’t planned to meet. We met ______ chance. (05全国二)

90. As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid the hour . (04上海)

91. I’d like to buy a house—modern, comfortable, and______ all in a quiet neighborhood. (04福建)

92. ______ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. (04北京)

93. Some people think it’s not polite to talk ______ table ______ the mouth full of food.

94. Don’t worry ______ Bruce. Everything is going well ______ him.

95. Brazilians are very proud ______ their football teams and football players.

96. When we were young, my cousin and I were both ______ the school basketball team.

My brother has been ______ the army for 20 years.

The film has been ______ for nearly an hour.

97. Is there a report ______ Chinese history in our school this evening?

Tom’s father is an expert ______ computer.

Mr. Wang is a specialist ______ Japanese history.

98. The police are looking into the case that who set light/fire ______ that house.

Their house is ______ fire.

We can’t put ______ the fire.

99. I am glad that all my students are hungry ______ knowledge.

His son is thirty ______ power.

They long ______ a chance to visit Shanghai.

100. As a teacher, you should be patient ______ the students.





