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1. 一般现时的用法:主要由动词原形表示,但在第三人称单数时要在词尾加-s 。否定句和疑问句要用助动词do, does.

A. 经常性或习惯性的动作。如The trees get green in spring . 。

B现在特征或状态。如The Changjiang River is the longest in our country.

He doesn` t work in the factory .

C.普遍真理。如The sun rises in the east . Five and two in seven .

2现在进行时: 现在进行时是由助动词be 的人称形式加现在分词构成。


Where are they swimming?  They are swimming in the river.

有些动词的现在进行时表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。这些动词是:go ,come, leave ,start ,arrive , return ,work sleep,stay,play,do,have ,wear…..

She is coming to see me tomorrow.

3. 一般将来时: 主要表示将要发生的动作或情况。

由助动词shall 或will加动词原形构成。/  be going to 加动词原形构成

It won’t rain tonight .   I shall meet you at the station.

He is going to have a swim tomorrow.



Did you knock at the door just now? /  He finished reading the book yesterday.


A 到现在为止已经完成的动作。如:

I have lent my book to Ann. 我把书借给了安。

He has never seen a real tiger. 他从来没有见过真老虎。


She has lived here since 1991. 从一九九一年起她就住在这里。

时 态 常用的时间副词

一般现在时 every( year,otherday ,twodays,week,month…) ,often ,always,usually ,sometimes, in the morning,in summer,on Sunday

一般过去时 last week, just now,yesterday, yeaterday morning ,the day before yesterday,then,

at that moment,(a few days) ago,

一般将来时 tomorrow, next month, in two days,

现在进行时 now

现在完成时 since ,for(one year….), just, already, yet ,in the last five years, …before.so far


被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。 Be有人称,数量和时态变化。

一般现在时:be (is am are) +及物动词的过去分词

一般过去时:be (was were)+ 及物动词的过去分词

情态动词的过去分词:情态动词+be +及物动词的过去分词


1. Light_________(travel)faster than sound. He _______(get) up early in the morning

2. John usually ________(go) home on Sunday morning.

3. Cats ________(like ) fish while dogs _______ (like ).

4. He always__________(sleep) with his windows open.

5. One tree ___________(not make) a wood.  Two and three_______(be ) five .

6. I ______(say ) you are wrong. Everything _______(go )well in spring .

7. He_________(not wok) on Sundays. He _______(take) a walk after supper.

8. Lucy ________(prefer) coffee to milk. Lily ________(hate) traveling.

9. Children _______(love ) to play games. The boy _____(look ) like his mother.

10. The sun _______(rise ) in the east and ______(go) down in the west.

11. Where ______you ______(go ) just now? I _______(go)  to the library.

12. He______(live) in China last year, but he ________(live) in Japan now. He _________(live )there

for three months. He ________(live) there by the end of this year.

13. He _______(pay) ten yuan for his new book yesterday. It ______(cost) him so little.

14. What _____you _____(wear )yesterday? I _______(wear ) a blue skirt.

15. He ______(feel ) very tired last night ,he ____(fall) asleep very quickly .

16. He______(say )he ______( will)write to me as soon as he came home.

17. He ______(take )his temperature half an hour ago.

18. We ________(win ) the league match last week, we ______(be ) the winners.

19. She ______(keep)me waiting for an hour last night . She ______(be )late.

20. He ______(find )it difficult to get to sleep. because he _______(be)too glad.

21. He ________(read ) a book when I ______(see) her  .

22. Great changes _______(happen ) in the village last year.

23. He ____(drive ) to Shanghai last week, he ________(choose )many presents for his family.

24. Just now ,he ______(mistake ) me for Lucy.

25. What ______you _____(do )now ? I ________(look) for my pen .

26. Look ,they ______(read)over there, others _______(dance)under the tall tree.

27. Listen ,someone___________(sing)English songs next room.

28. It’s five o’clock. . I________(do )my homework, My brother  __________(play)games , my mother _________(cook) supper, my father ________(mend ) his car in the garden.

29. Tom __________(fly ) kites with his classmates on the hill now.

30. Who ____________(wash ) clothes over there ? It’s my mother.

31. ______you _______(look ) for a ball? Yes .I am .

32. He _______always _______(try )out his new ideas.

33. The world population __________(grow ) faster and faster .

34. What _______Lucy _________(wear) today ? She _______(wear)a dark blue skirt.

35. ______you _______( make )a cake ? No . I__________(make) dumplings.

36. It________(rain )hard now. If it_________(not stop ) ,we________(not go )to the park.

37. The children ________(go )the park next week.They ________(have )a good time there.

38. He with his father _________(play)football tomorrow .

39. My friend _________ (come) to see me in two days.

40. What ______you _______(do )this Sunday ?  Nothing much . ______we ______( go )shopping?

That’s a good idea. When ______we ______(meet) ?

41. There __________(be )a football match the day after tomorrow.

42. Jim __________(have ) a swim this evening. After that ,he ________(do )his homework.

43. ClassThree __________(not  have )any classes next week.

44. I________(buy )a skirt for my daughter next month.

45. _______you_______(start)your homework?  Yes, but I_________(not finish) it yet.

46. What ________you________(do )with the library book? I_____just _______(return)it .

47. Excuse me . I ________(lose ) my cat. _____you ______(see) it anywhere?

48. If I _______(lose )the book, I must pay for it.

49. I_______( come )to get my pan back. . ______you _______( finish)using it? Not yet.

50. _____you ever _______(milk) a cow? No, never.

51. How long _____you ______( be)  at this school ? For two years.

52. He ________(teach ) in this school for ten years . I_________( live )here since last year.

53. More than two days ________(pass) since we left.

54. _______you ______(take )her temperature? Yes, I have. I_______(have)a cold for a week.

55. _______you _______(sleep )well? Yes, I ______(sleep)well all night.

56.I_______ never________(hear)of that before.

56. Chinese _________(speak ) by the largest people in the world.

57. This bike _______(make ) in Shanghai .Bananas_________(grow )in the south of China.

58. Metal _________(use)for making machines.

59. Sheep _________(keep) farmers for producing wool and mutton.

60. The watch _________(buy) two years ago . It _________(buy) for two years.

61. The bike _________(use ) for ten years. It ________(break )down for two months.

62. ______you ______(wear )it a lot ? Yes . It _______(wear ) for ten years.

63. The young tree must __________(tie ) to the stick.

64. Trees should __________(plant ) in spring .

65.  Silk ________(produce ) in Suzhou.

66. Some of  the things ________(show ) in the museum now .

67. The  PRC _________(found)on October 1,1949.

68. The lost boy _______(find ) yesterday.

69. The book _________(write )   in English It can __________(read ) by many people.

70. Old people should ___________(speak )to  politely .

71. The teacher should ____________(listen ) to carefully.

72. She _________(surprise ) at the news just now.

73. She __________(see)to run into the room by me five minutes ago.

74. The ground _________(cover) with snow in winter.

75. Fruit should __________(harvest) at the right time.

76. There are twenty more trees to___________(plant).

77. He ________(mistake ) for Jim  by the man  yesterday.

78. Great changes_________(happen ) in the village since 1985.

79. The cheapest pen ________(choose ) by him at last .

80. The car must ___________(drive ) slowly   by old men.


1. The girl _____(draw ) a co on the blackboard with chalk now.

2. When_____  you ______(lose ) the book?

3. How many times ______your uncle ____  (be )to Dalian ?  Twice

4. The girl always _______(prefer) Chinese to maths .

5. The girl _______(learn )to milk since last year .

6. –What`s the girl crying for?   --- She ______(cut) her finger.

7. Stop ______.(guess).  Mrs Hu has told me who won the high jump.

8. The dog often ____(follow)the young man everywhere.

9. Can you _______(guess) it isn`t his ?

10. Hurry up, or you(catch)______ the train .

